Creating an Engineering Change Notice Line Item

ECN line items define the changes to the inventory item, job order, or estimate job, at an operation, material, or material reference level.

  1. Open the Engineering Change Notice Items form.
  2. Select Actions > New. The ECN must have a status of Requested.
  3. Enter data in the required fields:
    Note:  Operation, Materials, or References refers to the inventory item's current operations, materials, or material references.
    Line Item Required Fields
    Operations Work Center, Move, Queue, Setup, Offset, Backflush, Mach Hrs per Piece or Pieces per Mach Hr, Labor Hr per Piece or Pieces per Labor Hr
    Materials Seq, Type, Quantity, U/M, Probable, Increm Price, Ref Type, Per/Unit or Lot, Unit of Measure
    Costs Material, Labor, Fixed Overhead, Variable Overhead, Outside
    References Seq, Reference Seq

    The ECN Line Items fields are:

    • Status: Select the status of the ECN line item or accept the default option, which is Requested.
    • Action: Enter the action to take with this particular line item or accept the default option, which is Updated.

  4. Select Actions > Save.

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