Creating a Transfer Order Header

  1. Open the Transfer Orders form.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. Enter the appropriate data in the required fields.
    • Transfer: Specify a unique identifier composed of numbers, characters, or a combination. You can set the global prefix, Transfer Prefix, in the Transfer Order Parameters form. This prefix starts all generated transfer numbers with the same prefix followed by a system-generated number.
    • Status: Specify a status or accept the default, which is Ordered. The options are:
      • Ordered
      • Transit
      • Complete
    • From Site: Specify the site from which to transfer the inventory.
    • To Site: Specify the site to receive the inventory.
    • From Whse: Specify the warehouse from which to transfer the inventory.
    • To Whse: Specify the warehouse to receive the inventory.
    • # Packages: Specify the number of packages associated with this transfer. This field can be used to record the number shipped and then to validate the number received.
    • Tot Weight: Specify the weight of this transfer. This information is helpful to verify against the bill that will be supplied by the shipping vendor.
    • Ship Via: Specify the code which tells the shipper how you would like this transfer order shipped.
    • EU VAT fields: If necessary, specify EU VAT information (NOTC, Delivery Terms, and so on).
  4. Select Actions > Save.
  5. If there are associated landed costs, to set them up on the Transfer Order Landed Costs form, click the Landed Costs button.
  6. To add line items, you can click the Lines button to open the Transfer Order Lines form. For more information, see Creating Transfer Order Lines.
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