Creating a Production Schedule Header

Use production schedules to track continuous production occurrences that use similar manufacturing processes.

  1. Open the Production Schedules form.
  2. Select Actions > New to create a new production schedule.
  3. Specify the appropriate data in the required fields:
    • Schedule ID: Specify a unique identifier composed of numbers, characters, or a combination. You can enter a global Schedule ID Prefix on the Shop Floor Control Parameters form. The system starts all generated production schedule IDs with this prefix, followed by a sequential number (maximum of ten characters for the combination).
    • Status: Specify the status or accept the default Planned.

    Optional fields include:

    • Description: Describe the purpose or the process of the production schedule in this character field. The system does not validate this field.
    • Look Ahead and Look Behind: Use these numeric fields to express the number of days in the past and the number of days in the future from the current day that production can be recorded. These fields are helpful when you do not record production on a daily basis.
  4. Save the production schedule header.

Now you can add items to the new production schedule.

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