Analyzing Scheduler Output

The Scheduler generates output data when you run the Scheduling activity. You can view the results graphically and statistically, using graphs and reports that depict system and component performance.

Output Forms and Reports

  • Resource Utilization
  • Resource Group Utilization
  • Resource Group Load Profile
  • Resource Schedule
  • Resource Group Schedule
  • Resource Queue
  • Resource Group Queue
  • Resource Gantt Chart
  • Demand Summary Scheduler
  • Resource Dispatch List Report
  • Resource Final Queue Report
  • Resource Summary Report
  • Projected Item Completions Report
  • Production Exceptions Report
  • Projected Item Completions by Resource Report
  • Resource Load Profile
  • Resource Group Summary Report
  • Demand Detail Scheduler
  • Resource Sequencing
  • Resource Group Sequencing

To display output data on reports, you must specify Information Collection options on various Scheduler forms before running the Scheduling activity. This section summarizes the information collection options you can select for each report, for resources, resource groups, and jobs.

If the Use Planning Output for Scheduling planning parameter is selected, running the APS Planning activity (rather than the Scheduling activity) populates these Scheduler output forms and reports:

  • Resource/Resource Group Dispatch List report
  • Resource Utilization
  • Resource Group Utilization
  • Resource Schedule
  • Resource Group Schedule
  • Resource Sequencing
  • Resource Group Sequencing
  • Resource Gantt Chart - Scheduler

The remaining Scheduler output forms and reports do not function when the Use Planning Output for Scheduling parameter is selected.

Specifying Output Data for Resources

On the Resources form, select the appropriate Information Collection options to collect data for reports and output forms:

  • Summary Data
  • Schedule Data
  • Final Queue Data
  • Load Profile Data.

The table below describes how to use the information collection options to answer specific questions on a report or output form:

When you want to know... Select this field... And use this output form... Or this report...
What the load is for a resource. Load Profile Data,

Summary Data

Resource Load Profile,

Resource Utilization

Resource Load Profile Report,

Resource Summary Report

Which resources are bottlenecks. Load Profile Data,

Summary Data

Resource Utilization Resource Summary Report
What is in the request queue for a resource at the end of the Schedule run. Final Queue Data Resource Queue Resource Final Queue Report
The schedule for each resource. Schedule Data Resource Gantt Chart,

Resource Schedule

Resource Dispatch List
Sequence of work at a resource. Schedule Data Resource Gantt Chart,

Resource Schedule

Resource Schedule Report,

Resource Dispatch List

Required production at a resource. Schedule Data None Projected Item Completion by Resource Report

Specifying Output Data for Resource Groups

The table below describes how to use the information collection options to answer specific questions on a report or output form:

When you want to know... Select this field... And use this output form... Or this report...
The schedule for each resource group. Schedule Data (for each member resource) Resource Group Schedule Resource Group Dispatch List
What the load is for a resource group. No selection necessary Resource Group Load Profile,

Resource Group Utilization APS

Resource Group Load Profile Report,

Resource Group Summary Report

Which Resource Groups are bottlenecks. No selection necessary Resource Group Utilization APS Resource Group Summary Report
What is in the request queue for a resource group at the end of the Schedule run. Final Queue Data (for each member resource) Resource Group Queue Resource Final Queue Report
Required production at a resource group. Schedule Data (for each member resource) None Projected Item Completion by Resource Group
Sequence of work at a resource group. Schedule Data (for each member resource) Resource Gantt Chart,

Resource Group Schedule

Resource Group Dispatch List

Specifying Output Data for Jobs

There are no information collection fields for jobs; all relevant information is collected automatically.

The table below describes how to answer specific questions on a report or output form:

When you want to know... Use this output form... Or this report...
Which jobs are late. Demand Summary - Scheduler Production Exceptions
Why jobs are projected to be late. Demand Detail - Scheduler,

Job Operations

Production Exceptions with Detail
When will the job complete. Demand Detail - Scheduler Production Exceptions
When will an operation complete. Demand Detail - Scheduler,

Job Operations

Resource Group Dispatch List,

Resource Dispatch List

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