Work Centers Overview

You use work centers to capture costs. Work centers do not define planning or scheduling information. The work center may refer to one or more resource groups for setting default planning and scheduling values for that resource group, but a relationship between a work center and resource group is not required.

The Work Centers form allows you to:

  • Record information regarding costs and rates associated with a specific work center, including setup, run, fixed machine overhead, and variable machine overhead rates.
  • Maintain the default value for account numbers for the Material, Labor, Fixed And Variable Overhead, and Outside Service WIP Accounts for each work center. The overhead rate information is optional.
  • Maintain the default value for account numbers for the fixed and variable overhead usage for Material, Labor and Machine Accounts.
  • View the accumulated totals of all jobs and production schedules that have passed through the work center since the system was initially set up. Also view the current, cumulative cost for each WIP Account and total WIP per work center for production schedules and JIT production. You update these values manually to reflect your specific time frame.
Note:  You can define more than one location for a single work center, allowing two items with different locations to be assembled at a common work center.

See Setting Up Multiple Locations for a Work Center for more information.

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