Modifying Mexican DIOT/IETU Voucher Distribution Adjustments

To modify voucher distribution adjustments with DIOT and IETU information:

  1. Open the Mexican DIOT/IETU Voucher Distribution Adjustments form.
  2. Select an account to modify.
  3. Specify or review this information:
    Apply for IETU
    Select if the transactions of this account apply for IETU.
    IETU Classification
    Specify an IETU Classification.
    DIOT Transaction Type
    Specify a DIOT rate type.
    Tax Reg Num Type
    Specify the tax regulation number type.
    Tax Reg Num
    Specify the tax regulation number.
    Tax Reg Num Foreign
    Select if the vendor has a foreign tax regulation number.
    Vendor Name
    The vendor name on the voucher distribution is displayed.
    Country Code SAT
    Select the country code.
    Deduction Percent
    The percentage deducted from the voucher distribution is displayed.
  4. Click Save.
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