Running the Expense Reconciliation Report

Use the Expense Reconciliation Report to generate a list of expenses. Follow these steps to generate the report:

  1. Launch the Expense Reconciliation Report utility.
  2. For these fields, select the range of values to include on the report:
    • Payment Type
    • Partner ID
    • Transaction Date
    • SRO
    • Line
    • Operation
    • Miscellaneous Code
  3. Specify this information:
    Reimbursement Status
    Select the current state of a transaction that is part of the expense reimbursement process.
    Status Description
    Approved transactions that have been entered and approved for reimbursement
    Open pending transactions that have not yet been approved
    Partial approved transactions that have not been fully reimbursed
    Hold transaction has been placed on hold pending review
    Complete transactions that have been approved and paid
    Page Break By Partner
    Select this check box to include page breaks between partners on the report.
    Include Reconciled Trans
    Select this check box to include both reconciled and unreconciled transactions in the output. Clear this check box to include only unreconciled transactions in the output.
  4. To view the report output, click Preview.
  5. To generate the report and print the output, click Print.
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