Using Query Forms in the China Localization

The China Localization module includes the special query forms described here.
  • Use the Bank Inquiry form to query bankbook and bank reconciliation statement data. You can query by bank code, currency, or account. Click the filter button on the tool bar to display the results in the grid. To sort the query results, double-click on any column heading. To print the results, click Print.
  • Use the Posted System Voucher Inquiry form to perform queries on posted vouchers to the Chinese General Ledger. You can choose to query by year, period, type code, and a range of voucher numbers. Specify the search criteria and click Inquire to display the results in the grid. To print the information, select a form type, either Pre-Print Paper to use a pre-printed form, or Laser for printing on blank paper) and click Print.
  • Use the Posted Voucher Enquiry form to perform queries on posted vouchers. You can choose to query by year, period, type code, and a range of voucher numbers. Click Search to display the results in the grid. To sort the query results, double-click on any column heading. To view additional information on a transaction, select the transaction in the grid and click Detail to display the Posted Account Enquiry Detail form.
  • The Posted Account Enquiry Detail form lists the results of your query from the Posted Voucher Enquiry form. It shows the general ledger transaction and detailed information about the voucher entries for that transaction. You can select a posted voucher from this form and click Print to print it.
  • Use the Posted Voucher Transactions Summary Enquiry form to query all the voucher transactions for a specified year and period and for a specified account. Specify the search criteria and click Search to display the results in the grid. To sort the results, double-click on any column heading. Select a transaction and click Drill Down to display the Voucher Transaction Summary by A/C - Drilldown form.
  • The Voucher Transaction Summary by A/C - Drilldown form lists a summary of voucher transactions, organized by account code. The displayed fields include the transaction date, voucher number, reference, rubric, and domestic amount. Click Print to print the information. Click Detail to display the Voucher Transaction Summary by A/C - Detail form.
  • The Voucher Transaction Summary by A/C - Detail form lists the details of a selected voucher transaction. The displayed fields include the sequence, amount, account, unit codes, and reference. To print the transaction information, select a form type, either Pre-Print Paper to use a pre-printed form, or Laser for printing on blank paper and click Print.
  • Use the Voucher Type Relation Maintenance Inquiry form to show information about relationships between voucher types and accounts/unit codes.
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