Printing Details for a Summary Line in the General Ledger

Use the Detail Left-Over Amount Report to print the details for one summary line in the General Ledger.

  1. Open the Detail Left-Over Amount Report form.
  2. Specify the year and period for the report.
  3. In the Text field, specify a value that matches the Text value that is specified for the Zongzhang report ID in the Totals tab of the Financial Statement Line Definition form. If you leave the Text field blank here, then the system looks for a blank Text entry in the Totals tab on the Financial Statement Line Definition form. If a blank Text entry in the Totals tab is not found, the report uses the value from the last Total entry that is defined on the Financial Statement Line Definition form.

    The Zongzhang report ID requires financial statement line definition only for lines where the financial statement Type is set to Account or Total. It does not require column definition for financial statements.

    The financial statement lines where the Type is set to Total are displayed on the General Ledger report. The Detail Left-Over Amount Report displays detailed information for the accounts and unit codes, and is grouped by lines where the Type is set to Total.

  4. Optionally, to exclude accounts with zero balances, clear the Print Zero Balance Account check box.
  5. Click Preview to preview the results.
  6. Click Print to print the report.
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