Updating the Ledger for Customer or Vendor Transactions

Use the Update Ledger Cust Vend Num utility to revise the Customer or Vendor field of those transactions that were entered manually in the China Localization module. You can only update the ledger transactions from writable journals.

To revise this information:

  1. Open the Update Ledger Cust Vend Num form.
  2. Specify the date range of the transactions to view.
  3. Specify the range of  accounts and unit codes to view.
  4. In the Type field, specify Account to exclude unit codes from view, or Unit to include them.
  5. Click Search to show records in the grid that match your selections.
  6. Select Customer to update customer numbers, or Vendor to update vendor numbers.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Use the G/L Posted Transactions form to verify that your updates are reflected in the transactions.
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