Using Formula Edit

To use a formula to calculate amounts for recurring vouchers:

  1. Add a voucher line of a formula type in the Recurring Voucher Maintenance form.
  2. Select the line and click Formula Edit.
  3. Specify this information to create a formula:
    This is a system-generated number for the formula line. A formula can have multiple lines.
    Specify a value to use as a multiplier against the retrieved transactions.
    Account or Unit
    Select one of these options to edit either the account range fields or the unit range fields.
    Account From and Account To
    Specify the range of G/L accounts used to calculate the amount.
    Unit From and Unit To
    Specify the range of unit codes used to calculate the amount.
    Specify one of these options:
    • Period Start obtains the period start balance of the accounts selected within the range.
    • Period End obtains the period end balance of the accounts selected within the range.
    • Debit obtains the total of only the debit transactions.
    • Credit obtains the total of only the credit transactions.
  4. Close the form and return to the Recurring Voucher Maintenance form.
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