Providing Bank Balance Information

Bank codes, currency, and bank account numbers are defined in the standard system. Use the Bank Initial Setting form to provide bank balance information.

Note:  In the standard system, you can create bank codes for simulated banks, to use for cash, bank, notes receivable, or notes payable. For Chinese financial systems, you must set up a bank code for an actual bank on the Bank Reconciliations form, and then select the code for that actual bank on the Bank Initial Setting form.

To set up initial balance information for a bank:

  1. Open the Bank Initial Setting form.
  2. Specify a bank code. The currency, account, and description for that bank are displayed.
  3. In the Bank Book section of the form, specify the Initial Balance. This balance is your bank book balance when you start to use this module.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Click Local Not Recorded and specify any dates and amounts that the bank has paid out but that have not been recorded into the local ledger.
  6. Save your changes and close the form. Click OK if you see this warning message: [Bank Book: Balance After Adjustment] is not equal to [Bank Reconciliation Statement: Balance After Adjustment].

    This information is now displayed in the Bank Initial Setting form:

    Bank Received/Local Not
    This field shows the amount the bank has received but not put into the local ledger.
    Bank Paid/Local Not
    This field shows the amount the bank has paid but not put into the local ledger.
    Balance After Adjustment
    This field shows this amount: [Initial Balance] + [Bank Received/Local Not] - [Bank Paid/Local Not]
  7. In the Bank Reconciliation section of the form, specify the Initial Balance. This balance is the current balance amount on your bank reconciliation statement when you started to use this China Localization module.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. Click Bank Not Recorded and specify any dates and amounts that have been recorded into the local ledger, but that the bank has not yet paid out.
  10. Save your changes and close the form. Click OK if you see this warning message: [Bank Book: Balance After Adjustment] is not equal to [Bank Reconciliation Statement: Balance After Adjustment.

    This information is now displayed in the Bank Initial Setting form:

    Local Received/Bank Not
    This field shows the amount that has been input into the CloudSuite Industrial ledger, but that was not in the bank reconciliation statement when you started to use this module.
    Local Paid/Bank Not
    This field shows the amount that has been input into the ledger, but that the bank had not yet paid when you started to use this module.
    Balance After Adjustment
    This field shows this amount: [Initial Balance] +  [Local Received/Bank Not] - [Local Paid/Bank Not
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