Setup Matrix: Setup Group Basis Example

A resource is initially set up to paint RED bike frames, and it takes 15 minutes to change the setup for painting BLUE frames. It takes 10 minutes to change the setup from painting BLUE frames to painting RED frames.

To represent the situation in this example, you must enter seven records for your setup matrix:

  • Red to Blue
  • Blue to Red
  • <DEFAULT> to Red
  • Red to <DEFAULT>
  • <DEFAULT> to Blue
  • Blue to <DEFAULT>
Note:  Define a "default" setup time value for each situation where either the From or the To item is not a member of one of the defined setup groups.
  1. On the Setup Groups form, define a BLUE setup group and a RED setup group.
  2. On the Controls tab of the Items form, reference the appropriate Setup Group on each blue or red bike frame item record.
  3. On the Setup Matrix form, select Actions > New.
  4. In the Setup Matrix ID field, enter an identifier for this setup matrix. For example, enter RedBlue.
  5. In the Setup Basis field, select Setup Group.
  6. In the From Setup Group field, select the RED setup group you created in the previous steps.
  7. In the To Setup Group field, select the BLUE setup group.
  8. In the Setup Time field, enter 0.25.
  9. Select Actions > Save.
  10. Repeat these steps to create the remaining six records (to represent the From-To situations listed above) for the RedBlue setup matrix.

To configure an operation to use this setup matrix, you must select the appropriate fields on the Resources tab of the Current Operations form. Select Group in the Setup Basis field and Setup Matrix in the Setup Time Rule field. In the Setup Matrix field, select the RedToBlue identifier for the matrix you created in the above steps.

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