Setup Matrix: Item Basis Example

It takes 1 hour to set up the resource from polishing bike frames (item 0001) to polishing handlebars (item 1000). It takes 1.5 hours to set up from polishing handlebars to polishing bike frames. The resource is not initially set up to paint either item. To represent this situation, you must define four records for your setup matrix:

  • bike frames to handlebars
  • handlebars to bike frames
  • <DEFAULT> to bike frames
  • <DEFAULT> to handlebars

The <DEFAULT> identifier handles the cases where the current "From" index is not defined at the beginning of the scheduling run. This code is needed in this example because the resource is not initially set up to paint any item. You should define a "default" record for each To Item possibility. In this example, the resource only processes two items. You could use the <DEFAULT> identifier if the resource might process items other than 0001 and 1000, but you do not want to define a setup time for each combination. If the resource might process other items, you would define additional records: bike frames to <DEFAULT>, handlebars to <DEFAULT>, and <DEFAULT> to <DEFAULT>.

To set up this example setup matrix:

  1. On the Setup Matrix form, select Actions > New.
  2. In the Setup Matrix ID field, enter an identifier for this setup matrix. For example, specify Frame-Handlebar.
  3. In the Setup Basis field, select Item.
  4. In the From Item field, specify <DEFAULT> (with the < and > symbols).
  5. In the To Item field, select the frame item number, 0001.
  6. In the Setup Time field, enter a "generic" setup time to apply regardless of which To item causes the first setup. For example, specify 0.0001. For the <DEFAULT> record, you can enter a very small value, such as 0.0001, but it must be non-zero in order for the resource setup status to be changed.
  7. Select Actions > Save to save this From-To record.
  8. Select Actions > New.
  9. In the Setup Matrix ID field, select the Frame-Handlebar record you created in the previous steps.
  10. In the From Item field, specify <DEFAULT> (with the < and > symbols).
  11. In the To Item field, select the handlebars item number, 1000.
  12. In the Setup Time field, enter a generic setup time, such as 0.0001.
  13. Select Actions > Save.
  14. Select Actions > New.
  15. In the Setup Matrix ID field, select the Frame-Handlebar record you created in the previous steps.
  16. In the From Item field, select a valid From item number. For this example, select the bike frame item number, 0001.
  17. In the To Item field, select the To item number. For this example, select the handlebars item number, 1000.
  18. In the Setup Time field, enter the number of setup hours for this from-to sequence (for example, 1.00 hour).
  19. Select Actions > Save.
  20. Repeat steps 14-19 to set up a record to represent 1.5 hours of setup time with the From Item as item number 1000 and the To Item as item number 0001.

To configure an operation to use this setup matrix, you must select the appropriate fields on the Resources tab of the Current Operations form. Select Item in the Setup Basis field and Setup Matrix in the Setup Time Rule field. In the Setup Matrix field, select the Frame-Handlebar identifier for the matrix you created in the above steps.

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