Mass-generating Production Schedule Releases

Use the Generate Production Schedules (Rate Based) form to mass-generate production schedule releases.

  1. Enter the appropriate data in the required fields:
    • Item: Specify a valid inventory item number.
    • Quantity: Specify the total number to be completed or planned for.
    • Rate/Day: Specify the number to be completed per day. This process only schedules (plans) until the combined total for each Rate/Day equals the quantity.
    • Start Date: Specify the start date when Type = Forward or accept the default of the current system date. This is the date scheduling starts.
    • End Date: Enter the end date when Type = Backward. This is the date production is scheduled to end.
    • Frequency: Enter the number of days that indicate how often you will generate a schedule or release for this production schedule.
    • Schedule ID: Enter a production schedule number.
    • Type: Select whether to schedule the releases Backward or Forward from the date you specify.
    • Status: Select Planned or Released.
    • Copy to PS Item BOM: Accept the default of selected to copy the item current routing/bill of material to the production schedule item (if the PS item does not contain a routing/BOM).
    • Copy to PS Release BOM: Accept the default of selected to copy the production schedule item's routing/BOM to each of the new releases the activity creates. If the PS item does not contain a routing/BOM, the item current routing/BOM will be copied to the releases. This field is active only if the Status of the PS item is Planned. If the PS item status is set to Released, this field is selected automatically and you cannot change it.
  2. Click the Process button to start the process.
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