Firming Planned Orders into Transfer Orders

When the Source field on the General tab of the Items form shows that the source for this item is Transferred, the system firms each selected planned order into lines on a transfer order.

  1. From the Planning Detail form, select the planned orders you want to firm.
  2. Click the Firm button. The system displays the Planning Detail Firm Transfer Order form.
  3. In the Transfer field, perform one of the following actions:
    • To let the system assign the next available transfer number, leave the field blank. The system adds the default transfer prefix defined in the Transfer Order Parameters) form.
    • To use a prefix other than the default, enter a new transfer prefix.
    • Enter an existing transfer number. The planned orders become lines on the existing transfer.
      Note:  If you entered an existing transfer number, the system uses the existing transfer's From Warehouse and To Warehouse settings. In this case, skip to Step 6.
  4. If you are creating a new transfer, in the From Whse field, enter the warehouse from which the item is being transferred.
  5. In the To Whse field, enter the name of the warehouse to which the item is to be transferred.
    Note:  If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default warehouse as defined on the Inventory Parameters form.
  6. Click OK. The system firms the planned orders into the transfer order.
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