Defining an Intelligent Lot Prefix

To define an intelligent prefix to use with lot numbers:

  1. Click Lot Definition on one of these forms:
    • For a global lot prefix that applies to all items, click Lot Definition on the Inventory Parameters form.
    • For a lot prefix that applies to a specific item, click Lot Definition on the Items or Multi-Site Items form. This prefix overrides any global lot prefix.
  2. On the Prefix Definition form, add a line for each segment of the prefix.
  3. To specify the segments of the prefix:
    • Click in the Segment Value field and select from the list of placeholder options. See the table below for explanations of the options.
    • You can include as many segments as you need in the prefix. However, the lot length is limited to 15 characters.  If you specify a prefix that could be greater than or equal to the limit, you receive a warning.
    • To include a constant, for example a hyphen, specify Constant in the Segment Value field and then specify the character(s) in the Segment Placeholder Value field.
    • To change the order of the segments, click the Up and Down buttons.
    • The full prefix (using placeholders) is displayed in the Prefix field.
  4. Click OK to return to the previous form, where the prefix is displayed in the Lot Prefix field.
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