Reconfiguring a Line Item or Job

When a configuration is processed and line item records or jobs are created, the system stores key data for each line item or job in the cfg_ref table of the CloudSuite Industrial database.

You can choose to reconfigure part or all of a multi-level configuration. On reconfiguration, records in the cfg_ref table are read to find all line items and jobs created by the original configuration, so they can be deleted before creating new records.

The status of line items and jobs must be Firm in order to remove the entire job structure at reconfiguration. If the status of a line item or job record prevents it from being deleted, this warning appears before the configuration user interface opens:

"There are jobs from a prior configuration which cannot be deleted."

The status of order line items must be Planned in order to remove the items. If an order line item has a status other than Planned, this warning appears:

"There are line items from a prior configuration which cannot be deleted."

If you receive either of these messages, you can cancel, change the status of the line item or job, and reconfigure again.

If you ignore the warning message and open the configuration user interface, reconfigure, and then try to save or process the reconfiguration, the message displays again. You are given these choices:

  • Click Cancel to cancel the reconfiguration.
  • Click OK and continue without deleting any of these records, in which case an entire new structure is created and the old orders and jobs must be manually deleted.
Note:  Reconfiguration does not delete other references (such as related purchase orders) because it cleans up only references created by the configuration UI.
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