Setting up Point of Sale Payment Types

To set up various payment types, including Cash, Credit, Check, or On Account:

  1. In the POS Setup form, select the Payment Types tab.
  2. To create a new type, click the New button on the toolbar or select the next available line.
  3. Specify a payment type ID in the Payment Type field.
  4. Select a Cash transaction type, Credit Card, On Account, or Check. The On Account transaction type leaves an open A/R balance for an amount. The other types generate a payment.
  5. Optionally, select Use Credit Card Interface. This field is displayed only if you selected Credit Card as the Transaction Type, and you are a licensed user of the CloudSuite Industrial Credit Card Interface.   
  6. Optionally, specify a Description and Bank Code.
  7. Optionally, specify information about reference fields.
  8. Save the record.
  9. On the General tab, specify a default Payment Type to use for new orders. This value is also used as the default Change payment type for situations where the customer overpays and needs money back.
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