Creating Customer Orders and Invoices in Foreign Currencies

When you create the customer order (using the Customer Orders form) and add an order line item, the amounts display in the customer's currency, which defaults from the Customers form. To see the amounts in your domestic currency, click the Translate button.

When you print the invoice, it automatically prints in the customer's currency. However, you can click the Translate to Domestic Currency check box on the Order Invoicing/Credit Memos form, and the invoice prints in the system's domestic currency.

Note:  The system calculates currency rates as of the transaction date, not the date posted.

When you post the invoice (using the Invoice Posting form), the system generates an Invoice Transaction Report. This report shows the invoice totals in both the customer's currency and the domestic currency.

To view the posted invoice, open the A/R Posted Transactions Detail form. This form displays in the customer's currency. To view the totals in your domestic currency, click the Translate button.

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