Creating a Price Adjustment Invoice

The information you enter during this function for an order is saved only temporarily. If you close the form or switch to another order, all information is lost. After successful invoice printing and posting, the entries are cleared.

To create a price adjustment invoice, perform these steps:

  1. Open the Price Adjustment Invoice form and select the filter information (order, customer, etc.) for the order whose line item you want to adjust.

    The lines for that order display in the grid.

  2. Select the line you want to adjust.
  3. Specify the invoice to which this adjustment applies (if applicable).
  4. On the form header, make any changes to the Freight or Misc Charges amounts.

    The Invoice Total changes accordingly.

  5. Use the fields in the tabs to adjust the quantity, discount amount, or price.

    After you enter a new value and move out of a field, the values in the Old Net, New Net, and Net Adjust fields change to match the adjustments you made.

  6. If necessary, select the original invoice number and a reason for the adjustment.
  7. To adjust the tax, click Adjust Tax and make the appropriate changes on the Price Adjustment Invoice - Tax Adjustment form.
  8. To return to the Price Adjustment Invoice form, click Return.
  9. To display the Print Price Adjustment Invoice form, click Print/Post Invoice.

    On this form, you can specify invoice formatting options, test the print alignment, and then print and post the invoice.

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