Using the Estimation Worksheet

This form displays all estimate jobs that reference existing estimate order line items, and allows you to modify the costs to produce each job's items.

  1. Open the Estimation Worksheet form and specify a job.
  2. The Vendor Price Breaks field is enabled if the specified job uses an item with materials for which vendor price breaks were entered. Select this field to apply the price breaks to this worksheet.
  3. In the Items group of fields, specify this information:
    Price Basis
    Select one of the following:
    • Extended Cost/Unit + Percentage: Original extended cost, as displayed in the Cost/Unit field, plus a percentage.
    • Extended Cost/Unit + Dollar Amount: Original extended cost, as displayed in the Cost/Unit field, plus a flat domestic currency amount.
    • Set Fixed Net Price/Unit: Fixed net price per unit, disregarding original extended cost.
    • Use Discounted Unit Price: Automatically calculates price using the unit price amount.
    • Use Group Markup: Markup is based on adding a percentage to each costing element.
    Estimate Worksheet Value
    This is the amount applied to the basis formula.
    Sales Discount
    This amount represents the percentage discount applied to the order.
  4. In the Group Markup fields, specify the percentage markup for each costing element.
  5. Click Apply Markup to update the record with the new markup, which is displayed in the lower grid, with a line representing each break quantity.
  6. Click Clear Markup to reset all Group Markup fields to zero and update the grid.
  7. Click Reprice to recalculate the unit cost.
  8. If you are satisfied with the changes made to the record, click Update Job Material Unit Cost to apply the costs to the job BOM.
Note: If you have made changes to sub jobs, run the Estimate Job BOM Cost Roll Up utility with the Reset Job Ref Material from Ref Est Job option selected, to ensure accurate cost calculations.
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