Copying Ledger Balances into Budgets/Plans

You can copy ledger balances to account budget or plan amounts of another fiscal year, using the Copy Balances to Budgets or Multi-FSB Copy Balances to Budgets activity. You can then view the results with the Chart of Accounts Budget and Plan or Multi-FSB Chart of Accounts Budget and Plan form.

  1. Open the Copy Balances to Budgets form.
  2. In the Account Types group box, select the check box of each type of account of the balances you want to copy. Options include:
    • Asset
    • Liability
    • Owner's Equity
    • Revenue
    • Expense
    • Analytical
    Note:  The Analytical check box is available for standard GL ledger balances only if the Use Analytical Ledger check box is selected on the General Parameters form. It is not available for multi-FSB ledger balances.
  3. In the Fiscal Year From field, the prior fiscal year displays by default, but you can select a different year from which to copy the budget/plan information.
  4. In the Fiscal Year To field, the current fiscal year displays by default, but you can select a different year to which to copy the budget/plan information.
  5. Select the type of information you want to copy to: Budget or Plan.
  6. In the Starting and Ending Account fields, select the range of accounts for the budget/plan information you want to copy, or leave both fields blank to copy the information of all accounts for the selected account types.
  7. In the Starting and Ending Unit 1-4 fields, select the range of reporting units you want to include in the activity.
  8. Click Process.
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