Voiding Posted Checks Using the A/P Payments Form

To void posted checks using the A/P Payments form:

  1. Select Actions > New.
  2. Enter data in the following fields:
    • Vendor: Select the number of the vendor whose check you want to void.
    • Bank Code: Enter a valid bank code for the bank against whom the original check was issued.
    • Payment Type: Select Manual Check.
    • Check Number: Enter the number of the check you want to void.
    • Check Date: Enter the date of the manual check.
    • Seq: Accept the default, which is the next incremental number. The system uses this number only to keep the distributions in numerical order.
    • Check Amt: Enter the negative value of the check you are voiding. For example, to void a $250.00 check, specify -250.00.
  3. In the G/L Reference field, enter the description for this transaction that is to appear in the journals. The default is APP, followed by the vendor number.
  4. Select Distributions.
  5. Select Actions > New.
  6. Distribute to the vouchers as negative amounts.
  7. Print the final register and post the negative check.
    Note:  The check number that defaults on the A/P Check Printing and Posting form during this process is strictly for standard checks. You do not need to update this number when posting the negative manual check.
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