DAS2 Declaration Form - Report Content

This topic describes the derived fields on the DAS2 Declaration Form, which is generated from the Fiscal Reporting System Form Printing Report form.
  • NP: Nom and Prenom (Last name and First name)

    The value in the Contact field on the Vendors form is split based on the placement of the first " " (space) character. Everything before the space is considered the first name and placed in the Prenom field. Everything after the space is considered the last name and placed in the Nom field.

  • No and Voie (Street number and Street name)

    The value in the Address [1] field on the Vendors form is split based on the placement of the first " " (space) character. Everything before the space is considered the street number and placed in the No field. Everything after the space is considered the street name and placed in the Voie field.

  • Nat (Payment type), 4 - Montant (Amount), Nat (Payment type), and 5 - Montant (Amount)

    The payment types and amounts for boxes 4 and 5 come from invoices where the Fiscal Reporting System Type values of H, C, CO, R, JP, DA, DI, or AR have been specified. The transactions are summed by type.

  • 6 - Avantages en nature (Fringe benefits), V (Amount), and N (Code for the amount)

    Box 6 shows the summed amount for all payments where the Fiscal Reporting System Type values of N - A, N -L, N - N, N - T, or N - V have been specified.

  • 7 - Indemnitès et remboursements (Reimbursements), I (Amount), and M (Code for the amount)

    Box 7 shows the summed amount for all payments where the Fiscal Reporting System Type values of M - F, M - P, or M - R are specified.

  • 8 - TVA nette sur droits d'auteur (VAT on copyrights)

    Box 8 shows the sum of the tax amount on payments where the Fiscal Reporting System Type value of DI (box 4 or 5 amount type) is specified.

  • 9 - Retenue à la source (domicile hors de France) (Withholding tax (place of residence outside of France)), M (Amount), and O (Code for the amount)

    Box 9 shows the sum of the tax amount on payments where the Fiscal Reporting System Type value of O - R or O - D is specified.

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