SEPA EFT Output Format

With SEPA, citizens and companies can make and receive payments in euros, within all EU member states.

The SEPA output file is formatted as an XML file that includes the following structure. Only the elements set by CloudSuite Industrial are shown here.

Group Header

Message Item XML Tag Mapping Notes
Message Identification <MsgId> appmt_mst.vend_num + "/" + appmt_mst.check_num Point-to-point reference assigned by the instructing party and sent to the next party in the chain in order to unambiguously identify the message. The instructing party must ensure that this is unique per instructed party for an agreed-upon period.
Creation DateTime <CreDtTm> appmt_mst.CreateDateTime Date/time the payment transaction was created.
Number of Transactions <NbOfTxs> 1  
Control Sum <CtrlSum> Sum of all appmt.for_check_amt included in that payment Total of all individual amounts included in this message, irrespective of currencies.
Initiating Party <InitgPty>   The party that is initiating the payment. This can be either the debtor or a party initiating payment on behalf of the debtor.
  Name <Nm> Name is limited to 70 characters
  ID <Id>    
 Organization Identification <OrgId>    
BIC <BICorBIE> bank_hdr_mst.BIC An 8- or 11-character ISO code assigned by SWIFT and used to identify a financial institution in financial transactions.

Payment Information

There can be multiple Payment Information sections following the Group Header section.

Message Item XML Tag Payment Information Identification Payment Method
Payment Information Identification <PmtInfId> BATCH Assigned by the initiating party. Unambiguously reference the overall content of the payment information component. The ID is only relevant between the initiating party and the receiving party. It can be included in related messages, such as Payment Status Report of Bank-to-Customer Account Reporting messages, that are sent back by the initiating party's agent to the initiating party.
Payment Method <PmtMtd> TRF Only TRF is allowed.
Batch Booking <BtchBookg> TRUE Specifies that multiple entries per transaction are possible.
Payment Type Identification <PmtTpInf>   Use only at Payment Information level and not at Credit Transfer Transaction Information level. When Instruction Priority is used, Payment Type Information must be present at Payment Information level.
  Service Level <SvcLvl>   Usage is recommended.
  Code <Cd> SEPA Only SEPA is allowed.
Requested Execution Date <ReqdExctnDt> appmt_mst.check_date (iso) YYYY-MM-DD
Debtor <Dbtr>:    
 Name <Nm> Mandatory (AT-02 Name of the Originator). Limited to 70 characters.
Debtor Account <DbtrAcct>   The account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made as a result of the transaction. In SEPA credit transfers, only IBAN should be used.
   ID <Id>    
  IBAN <IBAN> bank_hdr_mst.IBAN The account number (only the IBAN) of the Originator to be debited for the Credit Transfer Instruction. IBAN is the international bank account number, an expanded version of the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) used internationally to uniquely identify the account of a customer at a financial institution.
Debtor Agent <DbtrAgt>   The financial institution servicing an account for the debtor. Only BIC is allowed for the identifier.
  Financial Institution Identification <FinInstnId>    
    BIC <BIC> bank_hdr_mst.BIC  
Credit Transfer Transaction Information <CdtTrfTxInf>   Multiple sections are are allowed here (see below).

Credit Transfer Transaction Information

There can be multiple transaction sections within the Payment Information section.

Message Item XML Tag Mapping Notes
payment identification <PmtId>    
End-to-End Identification <EndToEndId> appmt_mst.vendor+"/" + appmt_mst.check_num + "/" + appmt_mst.check_date (AT-41 Originator's Reference to the Credit Transfer) Provides an end-to-end identifier throughout the processing, inter-bank and settlement chain. It is assigned by the Initiating Party and is carried from message to message throughout the inter-bank payment chain, up to the creditor. It can form the basis for a creditor who wants to investigate the payment transaction. It can be included in related messages sent back by the initiating party's agent to the initiating party.

Example: 1235678/3245623/12-30-2015

Amount <Amt>   Contains either <EqvtAmt> (domestic currency) or <InstdAmt> (foreign currency)
Equivalent Amount <EqvtAmt>   Example:
  <Amt Ccy="GBP">300.00</Amt>


  • <Amt Ccy> shows the bank's currency code (bank_hdr_mst.curr_code) and the amount (appmt_mst.for_check_amt)
  • <CcyOfTrf> is the vendor's currency code used in the transfer (vendor_mst.curr_code)
 Instructed Amount <InstdAmt>   AT-04 Amount of the Credit Transfer in Euro


<InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">535.25</InstdAmt>

where Ccy (currency) must be "EUR". The amount (appmt_mst.dom_check_amt) must be 0.01 or more and 999999999.99 or less. The fractional part has a maximum of two digits.

Creditor Agent <CdtrAgt>    
 Financial Institution Identification <FinInstnId>    
  Vendor BIC <BIC>    
Creditor <Cdtr>    
 Name <Nm> Name OR VadRName = Mandatory (AT-21 Name of the Beneficiary).Limited to 70 characters.
 Postal Address <PstlAdr>   (AT-22 Address of the Beneficiary)
  Address Type <AdrTp>    
  Address Line <AdrLine> VadRAddr_1 or VadAddr_1 (vendaddr_mst.addr##1)  
  Address Line <AdrLine> VadRAddr_2 or VadAddr_2 (vendaddr_mst.addr##2)  
  Postal Code <PstCd> VadRZip or VadZip (  
  Town Name (city) <TwnNm> VadRCity or VadCity (  
  Country Subdivision <CtrySubDvsn> VadRState or VadState (vendaddr_mst.state) state/province/region or other subentity
  Country <Ctry> VadRCountry or VadCountry ( Two digit ISO country code
  Address Line <AdrLine> VadRAddr_1 or VadAddr_1 (vendaddr.addr##1)  
  Address Line <AdrLine> VadRAddr_2 or VadAddr_2 (vendaddr.addr##2)  
 Creditor Account <CdtrAcct>   Account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be made as a result of the transaction. In the case of SEPA credit transfers, only IBAN should be used.
  ID <Id>    
   IBAN <IBAN> vendor_mst.IBAN  
  <Usrtrd> appmtd.inv_num Lists the vendor invoice number, remittance advice or “Open Payment.”
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