List of Report Names Used in the System

Following is a list of all reports in the system, grouped by module:

China Localization

  • AP Account Book: This form generates Accounts Payable reports according to a specified beginning and end date.
  • AR/AP Account Book: This form generates reports of accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions.
  • AR Account Book: This form generates Accounts Receivable reports according to a specified beginning and end date.
  • Chinese Book Definition: This form is used to define the Chinese account book and the six report layouts.
  • Detail Left-Over Amount Report: This form generates the detail's transaction of one specific summary line of the general ledger according to the selected year and period.
  • General Ledger Report: This report shows the General Ledger summary according to the selected year and period (month).
  • Posted Voucher Print: This form allows you to print a range of posted vouchers at one time.
  • Unposted Manual Voucher Print: This form allows you to print a range of unposted vouchers at one time.
  • Unposted System Voucher Print: This form allows you to print a range of unposted system vouchers before they are posted to the ledger.
  • Voucher Total: This form is used to generate reports of the cover page of a Voucher Transaction Book for filing purposes.
  • Print Voucher: This utility allows you to print the system-generated vouchers on preprinted forms or blank papers.


  • Approved Not Invoiced Report: This report shows approved quantities that have not been invoiced.
  • Available Inventory to Reserve: This report shows available to reserve quantities by warehouse, location, lot, quantity contained, and serial number (if included).
  • Available to Ship: This report shows the orders that can be shipped, based on quantities on hand at the time the report is run.
  • Bill of Lading: Use this report to print bills of lading.
  • Canada Customs Invoice Report: Use this form to print the Canada Customs Invoice report.
  • CARaS Customer Address Maintenance Report: This report shows customers that will be extracted when you run the CARaS Customer Address Extraction utility.
  • CARaS Parts Report: This report lists the items CloudSuite Industrial will export when you run the CARaS Parts Extraction utility.
  • Certificate of Origin Report: Use this form to print the Certificate Of Origin report.
  • Corporate Customer Report: This report lists your corporate customers and their subordinate customers.
  • Costing Analysis Alternative Customer Order Margin Report: This report shows what the gross margin would be if you used the revised costs in your costing alternative.
  • Customer By Item Sales Analysis Report : This report to lists total units and domestic currency sold, and customers who purchased the item and quantity and domestic currency amount purchased.
  • Customer Interactions Report: Use this report to print a report of all communications between you and your customer.
  • Customer Orders for Reservable Items Report: This report shows customer order line items that are reserved. The information in this report is sorted by warehouse and then by item.
  • Delivered In Full and On Time Report: Use this report to calculate and evaluate DIFOT data for a selected set of customer order lines or customer order blanket releases.
  • EDI Purchase Order Change Report: This report summarizes data about current inbound EDI purchase order changes.
  • EDI Purchase Order Requirement Report: This report summarizes data about current inbound EDI purchase order requirements.
  • EDI Purchase Order Status Report: This report summarizes data about current inbound EDI purchase orders.
  • Estimate Response Form: This report lists estimate headers and line items.
  • Estimate Status Report: Use this report to view the status of all estimates.
  • Estimates By Profit Report: This report displays estimate orders sorted by profit margin.
  • Estimate Worksheet Report: This report displays Estimation Worksheet results.
  • Inbound Purchase Order Error Report: This report lists any errors that occurred when CloudSuite Industrial received inbound EDI purchase orders.
  • Inventory Consigned to Customer Report: This report displays the current inventory levels, pending quantities, and required replenishments at warehouses flagged for inventory consigned to customers.
  • Inventory Consigned to Customer Usage Report: This report details inventory levels at customer consignment warehouses.
  • Invoice Pay Day Report: This report displays all approved invoices that are ready to be paid, sorted by pay date.
  • Invoice Revision Day Report: This report displays all invoices that are to be sent to the customer, sorted by revision date.
  • Invoice Register by Account: This report provides a listing of invoices that are currently maintained in the system.
  • Invoice Register Report: This report provides you with a list of invoices that are currently maintained in the system.
  • Item at Vendor Report: This report lists RMA items that are currently at the vendor location.
  • Item by Customer Sales Analysis: This report allows you to view past sales information for a range of customers, with item-specific information for each customer. Sales values are based on invoiced quantities.
  • Item Excise Tax Report: Use this form to create a report that will sum, by item, the excise tax amount (tax percent * sale price) for all items that are subject to the tax, and all customer ship-tos that have been set to include their orders on this report.
  • Item/Customer/Salesperson Sales Analysis: This report allows you to view, for each customer, past sales information for a selected range of salespersons and customers with item-specific information. The report is derived from the order and order history files. Sales values are based upon invoiced quantities.
  • Item/Product Code Cost Detail Sales Analysis Report: This report allows you to view cost detail information at both the individual item level and the product code aggregate level.
  • Item/Product Code/Customer Sales Analysis Report: This report allows you to print a sales analysis for the customers, product codes, and items you enter.
  • Item/Salesperson Sales Analysis: This report allows you to view past sales information for a selected range of salespersons with item specific information for each salesperson.
  • Letters of Credit by Customer Report: This report lists outstanding letters of credit (LCRs), in summary or detail format, for a particular currency and for a range of LCRs, customers, issue dates, and expiration dates.
  • Mailing Labels: This report prints mailing labels for a range of customers, employees or vendors.
  • Order Bookings Report: This report prints information from the order/line item tracking functionality, showing net orders received during a selected date range. If an order has been deleted or reduced during the selected date range, the bookings will be reduced by this amount.
  • Order Cost Report: This report displays a breakdown of a customer order's planned cost for all of the line items on the order and compares these costs to the actual production costs for the order.
  • Order Entry Exception Report: This report provides a listing of customer orders that have some erroneous attribute which keeps them from being processed.
  • Order Request Date Performance Report: This report provides you with a performance measure for evaluating all orders, based on their request dates and the dates of their actual deliveries.
  • Order Shipped Cost Report: Use this report to view cost detail information for shipped orders.
  • Order Status Report: This report provides a listing of all customer orders that are currently maintained in the system.
  • Order Verification: This report provides a printed copy of an order to send to a customer, providing the customer with an acknowledgement of an order that has a long lead time.
  • Outbound EDI Invoice Report: This report displays the current invoice information ready to be transmitted.
  • Outbound PO Acknowledgment Report: This report summarizes current information about outbound purchase order acknowledgments.
  • Outbound Shipping Notice Report: This report summarizes current information about outbound EDI shipping notices.
  • Packing Slip Detail Report: This report lists packing slips and displays the customer, order number, ship date, pack date, original quantity packed, quantity packed, quantity invoiced and the invoice number.
  • Past Due Order Line Items Report: This report provides a listing of customer order line items with due dates prior to a specified date.
  • Print Delivery Order Packing Slip: Use this form to print a packing slip for a range of delivery orders.
  • Print Delivery Order Pro Forma Invoice: Use this form to print the Pro Forma invoice for delivery orders.
  • Product Sales Analysis Report: This report allows you to view sales analysis information for particular product codes, family codes, and items.
  • Prospect Interactions Report: Use this report to print a report of all communications between you and your prospect.
  • Purchased Components Cross Reference Report: This report displays information for any purchased material that is required by a job, where the job is cross-referenced to a customer order and the purchased material is cross-referenced to a purchase order.
  • Reprint Packing Slip: Use this report to reprint a packing slip that is associated with a shipment.
  • Reserved Inventory by Order: This report displays customer order line items that are reserved.
  • Resource Group Bottlenecks Report APS: Print this report to view resource groups that are causing delays in late demands.
  • RMA Status Report: Use this report to produce different views of your current RMA data.
  • RMA Verification Report:Use this report form to print a document listing which materials are authorized for return.
  • Sales Commission By Salesperson Report: This report shows unpaid sales commission information for each salesperson.
  • Sales Contact Interactions Report: Use this form to print a report of all interactions between you and your prospect.
  • Sales Value Report: This report uses information in the Customer Order and Order History files to group unit sales into monthly buckets.
  • Shipped LCRs With a Remaining Balance: Use this report to print letters of credit (LCRs) with the status of Open
  • Shipped Not Approved Report: This report shows orders that are checked as shipment approval required and where the shipped amount does not match the approved amount.
  • Shipment Bill of Lading Report: Use this form to print the shipment bill of lading report.
  • Shipment Packing Slip Report: Use this form to print the shipment packing slip report.
  • Shipment Pro Forma Invoice Report: Use this form to print the Shipment Pro Forma Invoice report.
  • To Be Invoiced Report: This report lists all orders and their line/releases for the orders that are ready to be invoiced.
  • To Be Shipped Value Report: This report displays the values of those orders that are not yet shipped.
  • Uninvoiced Packing Slips Report: This report generates a list of packing slips that have not been invoiced.
  • Update Order DIFOT Policy: Use this form to select records from the Customer Order Lines form or Customer Order Blanket Releases form and then modify DIFOT (Delivered In Full and On Time) settings on the selected records.


  • Applicant Source Analysis Report: This report prints information about the sources the company uses to hire applicants.
  • COBRA Benefits Summary: This report lists COBRA benefits summary information for employees.
  • Compute Payroll Report: This report indicates, by employee, when errors occur during payroll computation.
  • Direct Deposit Report: This report displays the Direct Deposit Detail records selected according to the entered criteria.
  • Employee EEO Status Report: This report prints EEO class information for employees.
  • Employee Hours Report: This report displays the fields shown on the Hours form as well as an Amount field which contains the number of hours times the Pay Rate. It is possible to sort this report by a range of employees, dates, or transactions, as well as by Pay Type.
  • Employee Log Hours Report: This report lists information from the Payroll Log Hours for Pay Period form, and an Amount field that contains: NOH*PR = PLR Where: NOH = Number of Hours PR = Pay Rate PLR = Payroll Log Hours
  • Ex-Employee Outstanding Loans Report: This report lists ex-employees who have outstanding loans.
  • Insurance Summary: This report lists insurance summary information about current and/or former employees.
  • Mailing Labels: This report prints mailing labels for a range of customers, employees or vendors.
  • Number of Employees by Dept Report: This report lists your departments and the number of employees in each one.
  • Payroll Deduction Report: This report itemizes deductions and their amounts, and provides the total of all deductions for each employee for the current pay period.
  • Payroll Distribution/Log Report: This report provides a comparison of the wage distribution and log report hours for the unposted payroll transactions that were entered or generated through the Payroll Processing form.
  • Posted Payroll Transactions Report: This report provides a listing of all posted payroll transactions except those that have been cleared by a payroll compression.
  • Print W-2 Forms: This report prints the standard W-2 information to give to your employees for tax filing purposes.
  • Quarterly by Tax Code Report: This report prints Tax Code information at the end of each quarter.
  • Retirement Plan Contribution Report: This report lists retirement plan contributions, sorted by deduction/earning (D/E) code and then by employee number.
  • Salaries by Department Report: This report lists salary information for departments.
  • Salaries by EEO Class Report: This report lists salary information for EEO classes.
  • Salaries by Gender Report: This report lists salary information by gender.
  • Salaries by Position Class Report: This report lists salary information by position class.
  • Want Ad Cost Analysis Report: This report prints cost information regarding want ads the company is currently using or has used.
  • Year End Payroll Report: This report prints a listing of each employee's yearly and quarterly payroll totals.
  • Year-To-Date Deductions and Earnings Report: This report provides a list of deduction and earnings with the summarized YTD deduction amount for that deduction/earning for each employee and a subtotal and grand total for each D&E Code listed.


  • 1095 Form Printing Report: Use the report form to prepare 1095 and 1094 tax filings.
  • 1099 Form Printing: Use this report form to print 1099 forms for the appropriate vendors.
  • Accounts Payable Aging Report: This report shows the status of your account balances.
  • Accounts Receivable Aging Report: Use this report to view the current status of all customer account balances.
  • A/P Payment Transaction Report: This report lists all non-posted payment transactions you have entered.
  • A/P Balance Report: Use this form to print the AP Balances Report based on the criteria you set.
  • A/R Balance Report: Use this form to print the AR Balances Report based on the criteria you set.
  • A/R Invoice/Credit/Debit Memo: Use this report to print invoices, credit memos, and debit memos without having to reference an invoice number.
  • A/R Payment Transaction Report: Use this report to list unposted payment transactions you entered.
  • Bank Reconciliation Report: This report lists bank reconciliation transactions and their amounts, and shows whether or not they have been reconciled.
  • Cash Impact Report: This report shows your expected cash flow over a specified period of time for a selected range of currencies in summary or detail format.
  • Cash Receipts Due Report: This report lists all cash receipts that are due, sorted by due date. It lists all open-item transactions and provides a running total of the amounts your customers owe.
  • Cash Requirements Report: This report lists all unpaid vouchers, sorted by due date.
  • Chargeback Transaction Report: Use this form to print a report showing chargeback data from criteria you set.
  • Consumption Tax Report: Use the information displayed in this report when you prepare Consumption Tax returns.
  • Customer Statements: Use this form to produce customer statements that list the amount customers owe.
  • Draft Aging Report: This report lists all draft payments for a range of customers and due dates, sorted by due date.
  • Draft Dunning Letter: This report prints reminder letters to customers.
  • Draft Remittance Posting Report: Use this report form to print a report that lists remitted draft information, and includes a remittance statement.
  • Draft Transaction Report: This report lists all existing drafts for a range of customers, bank codes, due dates, and draft numbers.
  • Dunning Report: A Dunning Report is a letter you send to a customer as a reminder about invoices that are past due.
  • Electronic Signature Records Report: This form creates a report that lists electronic signatures for a specific record.

    It can also be used to report when and how the Privacy Utility was used.

  • EU Sales List: This report records the aggregate value of sales to customers in other member states who are registered for VAT, and for which ESL requires basic information relating to the supply.  
  • EU Supplementary Statistical Declaration: Use this form to print a report that records information related to each inward and outward consignment.
  • EU VAT Report: This report captures information about the value of intra-community sales and purchases.
  • External AP VAT Report: This report allows Infor users to select and print accounts payable tax records.
  • External AR VAT Report: This report allows Infor users to select and print accounts receivable tax records.
  • External Journal Report: This report allows Infor users to select and print journal reports.
  • External Ledger Report: This report allows Infor users to select and print ledger reports.
  • External Trial Balance Report: This report allows Infor users to select accounts to print balances and period movement amounts.
  • Finance Charge Transaction Report: This report lists all unposted finance charge transactions for a range of customers, sorted by customer invoice number.
  • Financial Statement Output: Use this form to set up printing parameters for financial reports, which you can then use to produce the reports repeatedly.
  • Fiscal Reporting System Form Printing Report: Use this report to print fiscal reporting forms needed by your applicable vendors. Currently, the DAS2 declaration form is provided.
  • Fixed Asset Acquisition Report: This report displays acquisition information for a specified set of assets.
  • Fixed Asset Classification Report: This report displays comprehensive asset and depreciation information.
  • Fixed Asset Cost Report: This report lists fixed asset cost information, organized by asset number.
  • Fixed Asset Current Depreciation Report: This report contains comprehensive, up-to-date depreciation information for each asset.
  • Fixed Asset Disposal Transaction Report: Run this report before posting disposal transactions to verify that the disposal transaction information is correct.
  • Fixed Asset Disposition Report: This report displays disposal history information, including book value, gain, loss, and dates of acquisition and disposal.
  • Fixed Asset Insurance Report: This report compares the current value of an asset to the insurance policy value to determine whether or not the policy is current and if the amount of the policy is appropriate, compared to the value of the asset.
  • Fixed Asset Quarterly Cost Incurred Report: This report displays the costs incurred by department and Class Code for each quarter of the specified year.
  • Fixed Asset Transfer Report: Run this report before posting fixed asset transfer transactions. Use this report to verify that the transaction information was generated correctly.
  • General Ledger: The General Ledger form lists transactions for a range of periods, accounts and unit code 1-4 combinations.
  • General Ledger Check Information: The General Ledger Check Information Report lists information about checks that have been processed in Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.
  • General Ledger Transaction Report: This report lists General Ledger transactions for a range of transactions, transaction dates, accounts, unit codes (1-4), and references.
  • General Ledger Worksheet Report: This report lists the numbers, descriptions, and amounts of the selected accounts for a specific date.
  • GST Input Tax Credit Report: Use this report to print all GST records payable as collected by Purchasing and Accounts Payable.
  • GST Invoiced Report: Use this report to view all Goods and Services Taxes receivable, as collected by Customer Order Entry and Accounts Receivable.
  • Inactive Account Numbers Report: This report lists where inactive account numbers are being used in the system.
  • Incomplete SSD Order Information Report: Use this report to check for missing European Union (EU) information on customer orders, RMAs, purchase orders, and transfer orders.
  • Invoice Transaction Report: Use this report to list any or all unposted invoice, debit, and credit transactions, sorted by customer invoice number.
  • Journal Control Number Report: This report lists Journal transactions sorted by journal control number or reference control number.
  • Journal Transaction Report: This report lists detailed or summary information about G/L journal transactions that have been posted to specific journals.
  • Ledger Control Number Report: This report lists G/L transactions sorted by ledger control number or reference control number.
  • Letters Of Credit By Vendor Report: This report allows you to print out all outstanding letters of credit for one vendor or a group of vendors.
  • Multi-FSB Chart of Accounts Mapping Report: Use this form to list account mapping for a multi-FSB chart of accounts.
  • Multi-FSB General Ledger : Use this form to list transactions for a range of periods, accounts and unit code 1-4 combinations.
  • Multi-FSB General Ledger Check Information : Use this form to list information about checks that have been processed in Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.
  • Multi-FSB General Ledger Transaction Report : Use this form to list General Ledger transactions for a range of transactions, transaction dates, accounts, unit codes (1-4), and references.
  • Multi-FSB General Ledger Worksheet Report : Use this form to list the numbers, descriptions, and amounts of the selected accounts for a specific date.
  • Multi-FSB Journal Transaction Report : Use this form to list detailed or summary information about multi-FSB journal transactions that have been posted to specific journals.
  • PST Input Tax Credit Report: Use this report to view all PST records payable, as collected by Purchasing and Accounts Payable. Typically, you print this report when you prepare the tax return.
  • PST Invoiced Report: Use this report to view all the provincial sales taxes receivable, as collected by Customer Order Entry and Accounts Receivable.
  • Purchase VAT Register: This form allows you to generate a report that displays tax amounts that have been paid out from posted A/P voucher transactions.
  • Sales Tax Report: Use this report to view all sales taxes receivable as collected by Customer Order Entry and Accounts Receivable.
  • Sales VAT Register: This form allows you to generate a report that displays tax amounts that have been received from posted A/R invoices.
  • Spanish Payables Report: This form allows you to generate a report that displays tax amounts that have been paid out from posted A/P voucher transactions.
  • Spanish Receivables Report: This form allows you to generate a report that displays tax amounts that have been received from posted A/R invoices.
  • SSD Transaction Listing: Use this report to list all Arrival and/or Dispatch transactions for a range of periods, customers, vendors and warehouses.
  • Statement of Account Report: Use this form to print Statement of Account letters to all customers and vendors that report the actual balance for the customer or vendor account.
  • Tampered Electronic Signature Records Report: This report displays records where the checksum stored for the data no longer matches the data.
  • Tax Invoiced (Parametric) Report: This report lists the total value of sales within a specified jurisdiction, and the tax due on the sales.
  • Tax Payable Report: Use this report to view all sales taxes payable as collected by the system's Purchasing and A/P modules. Typically, you will print this report when you prepare the tax return.
  • Tax Receivable Report: Use this report to view all the sales taxes receivables as collected by Customer Order Entry and Accounts Receivable. Usually, you print this report when preparing the tax return.
  • Tax Vouchered (Parametric) Report: Use this report to view all taxes payable as collected by the system's Purchasing and A/P modules.
  • Taxable Revenue Report: This report (United States) lists summary or detailed information about taxable revenues for a range of tax codes, invoice dates and customers.
  • Trial Balance: The Trial Balance displays account numbers, account descriptions, and amounts for the accounts you select.
  • Unit Code Where Used Report: Use this report to find areas in the system where a particular unit code is referenced.
  • VAT Report: Use this version of the EU VAT Report form to sort the VAT reporting data by category, tax code, tax account, tax base account, or line number and then show subtotals with each of these sorting methods.
  • Vendor Voucher/Debit Memo Report: Use this form to create a report that details credit memo amounts applied to originating vendor invoices and purchase orders.
  • Verify Reports To Accounts Report: This report validates mapping from the current entity to its parent.
  • Voucher Authorization Report: This report lists unposted vouchers for a range of authorizers, vouchers, invoice dates, vendors, vendor names, purchase orders, and goods receiving notes.
  • Voucher Pre-register Report: This report lists summary or detailed information about voucher pre-registers, sorted by pre-register, vendor, or vendor name.
  • Voucher Register by Account Report: This report lists all posted and unposted vouchers from Purchasing that are currently maintained in the system.
  • Voucher Register Report: Use this report to list vouchers you currently maintain in the system.
  • Voucher Transaction Report: Use this report to list all unposted voucher and adjustment transactions that have been entered.
  • Vouchers Payable Report: Use this report to show purchase orders that have been received but not yet vouchered, including to-be-vouchered POs and POs with cost variances.

Germany Localization

  • GoBD Data Media Transfer Report: Use this form to prepare tax reporting data that complies with the Data Media Transfer (Z3) access requirement for GoBD.

Japan Localization

  • Invoice Batch Report: Use this form to print the Invoice Batch report.
  • Tax Control Report: This report shows tax transactions with the account, amounts, and tax codes involved in each transaction.


  • Component Shortages Report APS: Use this form to create and print a report listing all components for which existing inventory is not yet available.
  • Container Contents Report: Use this form to create reports by location, by item, or by container.
  • Co-Product Mix Report: Use this report to produce a list of co-products in a co-product mix.
  • Co-Product Mix Status Report: Use this report to display a list of co-products, sorted by co-product mixes, detailed cost distribution percentages, and co-product ratios.
  • Co-Product Where Used Report: Use this report to display a list of co-products and the co-product mixes that contain them.
  • Costing Analysis Alternative Inventory Variance Report:
  • CO Transactions by Lot Report: This report provides information about customer order shipments and returns for a selected range of items and lot numbers.
  • Customer Order Price Change Report: Use the Change Item Price utility to change the unit price of an item or range of items from the Items records, the wholesale price for the Item records, the contract prices from the Customer Contract Prices records, and the customer item prices in existing open or planned customer orders that are not fully shipped.
  • Customer Price Change Report: Use the Change Item Price utility to change the unit price of an item or range of items from the Items records, the wholesale price for the Item records, the contract prices from the Customer Contract Prices records, and the customer item prices in existing open or planned customer orders that are not fully shipped.
  • Cycle Count Sheet Report: This report prints in the same format as the Cycle Count Generation report, but it does not generate any Cycle Count records.
  • Cycle Count Variance Report: This report shows the variance between the system's on hand balance and the actual count entered
  • Demand Summary Comparison APS Report: This report allows you to compare demand data for two sets of alternative planning/scheduling data.
  • Demand Summary Comparison Scheduler Report: This report allows you to compare demand data for two sets of alternative planning/scheduling data.
  • Demand Summary With Operations APS Report: This report displays a summary of the operations in a range of demands for the selected alternative set of planning/scheduling data.
  • Demand Summary With Operations Scheduler Report: This report displays a summary of the operations in a range of demands for the selected alternative set of planning/scheduling data.
  • ECN by Item Report: This report lists the Engineering Change Notices for the items you entered on the Engineering Change Notice Items form.
  • ECN Report: This report lists Engineering Change Notices for the items you entered on the Engineering Change Notice Items form.
  • ECN Status Report: This report shows the status of Engineering Change Notices for a range of ECN numbers, items and request dates, sorted by ECN number or job type.
  • Exceptions Report: This report contains pegging and Items information that helps you respond to exception messages.
  • Indented Costed BOM Report: This report shows the material requirements of a parent item and its components, with the components indented according to the item's bill of material structure.
  • Indented Current BOM Report: This report shows the indented component material requirements of a parent item, indicated in the item's current BOM as of a given effective date.
  • Intra-Site Transfer Master Display Report: For each period you set up in the Planning Horizon Calendar, this report lists this information for a selected warehouse and item combination: forecast quantities for the item and warehouse during the date period,  customer order and project resource quantities for the item and warehouse during the date period,  transfer order quantities where the From Warehouse is the Distribution Warehouse for the item and during the date period,  purchase orders, purchase requisitions, transfer orders and planned intra-site transfer orders where the To Warehouse is the Distribution Warehouse, and  the projected amount available, which is the on-hand amount plus receipts (MPS) minus forecast minus independent demand minus transfer demand.
  • Intra-Site Transfer Order Action Report: This report shows the planned orders (PLNs) you must firm for a given item to be available when needed.
  • Inventory Aging Report: This report queries the item stockroom locations and item/warehouse records to determine the date of the last inventory receipt for a range of products.
  • Inventory Balance Report: This report displays quantities, unit costs, and details of all material transactions that impact any of the five inventory accounts.
  • Inventory Below Safety Stock: This report lists each item that has an on-hand quantity that is below the specified safety stock quantity on the Items form.
  • Inventory Cost Report: This report shows a breakdown of material, labor, fixed overhead, variable overhead, and outside service costs for items.
  • Inventory Pre-Adjustment Report: This report shows all Physical Inventory records, the book quantity counted, the quantity on hand, the unit cost, the adjustment amount, and the account to adjust.
  • Inventory Summary Comparison Report: This report allows you to compare inventory levels of two sets of alternative planning data.
  • Item BOM Where Used Report: Use this report to list all BOMs, customer orders, manufacturing orders, purchase orders, RMA and replacement orders, estimates, and project control estimates associated with the items meeting the selection criteria you specify.
  • Item Bottlenecks Report APS: This report displays each purchased item's lead time and the number of demands that are delayed due to shortages of the item. This Delayed Demands count is calculated as the number of late demands for which the item is on the critical path and the demand had to wait for the item to be received.
  • Item by Location Report: This report provides a breakdown by location of all items.
  • Item Cost By Product Code Report: This report lists item costs sorted by product code.
  • Item Costing Report: This report shows the prices, costs, total cost, margins and gross margin of items in inventory.
  • Item Current Routing Report: This report shows each operation for the standard job for a selected range of items, product codes, and operations.
  • Item Detail Report: This report provides detailed information using almost all of the fields from Items records.
  • Item Not Used Report: Use this report to list items for which no material transactions have been recorded in the date range selected.
  • Item Price Change Report: Use the Change Item Price utility to change the unit price of an item or range of items from the Items records, the wholesale price for the Item records, the contract prices from the Customer Contract Prices records, and the customer item prices in existing open or planned customer orders that are not fully shipped.
  • Item Quantities by ABC Code Report:This report displays the items sorted by ABC Code.
  • Item Revision Report: This report lists revisions that are associated with items, and the current item routing for any or all revisions of a particular item.
  • Item Serial Number Report: This report displays a list of serial numbers, plus the item and lot associated with each, for the specified source and destination transactions.
  • Item Where Used Report: Use this report to list all BOMs, customer orders, manufacturing orders, purchase orders, RMA and replacement orders, estimates, and project control estimates associated with the items meeting the selection criteria you specify.
  • Jobs Affected by Engineering Change Notices Report: This report lists Engineering Change Notices (ECNs) and the jobs those ECNs affect.
  • Lot Traceability Report: This report shows all the details for the life of a lot, and all the transactions that took place for a particular lot of an item.
  • Master Planning Report: For the period you set up in the Planning Horizon Calendar, this report lists this information for each item: outstanding requirements, outstanding receipts, projected-available quantities, and available-to-promise quantities.
  • Material Transactions Report: This report lists all material transactions posted, such as Miscellaneous Issue, Miscellaneous Receipt, Inventory Adjustment, Job Merge, Job Split, Customer Order Shipment, and others (see the Transaction Type and Reference Type field help topics for a list of the types of transactions this form displays).
  • Material Use Up Report:  Process this report to calculate either quantity on hand at the specified break date, or, if no break date is specified, the estimated date when the item's quantity on hand will be reduced to zero.
  • Order Action Report: This report shows the planned orders (PLNs) you must firm for a given item to be available when needed.
  • Pegging Report: This report displays this information: all single-level pegging (where used) information for all Items selected, due date of the requirement, quantity, parent item, and reference to the order this part will be used to fill
  • Physical Inventory Report: This report shows all Physical Inventory records and indicates whether each record has been counted, posted, or approved.
  • Planning BOM Report: This report displays the bill of material for planning items.
  • Preassigned Lot Labels Report: Use this report to print preassigned lot labels that you can attach to containers or bins when the lot is created.
  • Preassigned Serial Labels Report: Use this report to print preassigned serial number labels that you can attach to containers or bins when the item is created or received.
  • Price Change Error Report: Use the Change Item Price utility to change the unit price of an item or range of items from the Items records, the wholesale price for the Item records, the contract prices from the Customer Contract Prices records, and the customer item prices in existing open or planned customer orders that are not fully shipped.
  • Print Advance Ship Notice: You can print the advance ship notice associated with a transfer order using the Print Advance Ship Notice Report.
  • Pro Forma Invoice: Use this report form to create a document that verifies the value of goods, when the goods cross borders.
  • Projected Inventory Report: This report gathers Planning Detail data for a range of items, then evaluates projected item quantities for out-of-tolerance conditions based on monthly buckets.
  • Projected Item Completions by Resource/Resource Group Report- APS: This report displays the projected completion date, the resource that must do the work, the resource group to which it belongs, the item, and the quantity to complete.
  • Projected Item Completions Report - APS: This report displays the projected completion date, the item description, and the quantity.
  • Reprint Transfer Ship Packing Slip: Using the Reprint Transfer Packing Slip Report form, you can reprint packing slips that have already been printed.
  • Resource Group Load Profile Comparison APS Report: This report allows you to compare resource group utilization and load for two sets of alternate planning/scheduling data.
  • Resource Group Load Profile Comparison Scheduler Report: This report allows you to compare resource group utilization and load for two sets of alternate planning/scheduling data.
  • Single Level Current BOM Report: This report shows the first level of component material requirements for an item, as indicated in the current BOM for that item.
  • Single Level Lot Source Report: This report lists all the lot-tracked components contributing to the manufacture of a lot-tracked item.
  • Single Level Lot Where Used Report: This report lists all the jobs that have used a particular lot of an item.
  • Summarized Current Bill of Material Report: This report lists an item's components and their requirements as they appear in the current BOM for the item as of a given date.
  • Supply Usage Report APS: This report displays each predefined supply record and the demands that used a portion of that supply. It also shows the on-hand inventory and the demands that used it.
  • Total Inventory Value by Acct: This report displays all of the items sorted by account.
  • Transaction Summary Report: This report summarizes the EDI transactions that you select using the report options, telling you how many records exist per transaction and how many records have been loaded/entered for each transaction.
  • Transactions By Serial Number Report: This report lists all the transactions that have taken place for a given serial number.
  • Transfer Order Status Report: This report lists the statuses of transfer orders.
  • Void Tag Sheet Report: This report prints a listing of all inventory tags/sheets that are voided.

Mexico Localization

  • Mexican VAT AR/AP Transferred Report: Use this form to generate accounts receivable and accounts payable VAT transferred records reports.
  • Mexican DIOT Report: Use this form to generate a Declaración Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros for regular and exceptional transactions.
  • Mexican IETU Report: Use this form to generate IETU reports.


  • Barcoded Employee Badges Report: Use this report to print employee badges with barcodes on them
  • Barcoded Item Labels Report: This report prints labels that contain: item number, item number in barcode format, item description, and optionally, the lot number in numeric format or in barcode format
  • Barcoded Resources Report: This report prints bar coded machine IDs for a given resource group or a range of resource groups.
  • Consolidated Job Cost Report: This report provides a cost summary for related jobs that have the same primary job number.
  • Cumulative Production by Item Report: This report lists all quantities and cumulative quantities for a selected range of items, schedule IDs and dates.
  • Current Job Cost Variance Report: This report lists current WIP, variance, total cost, actual total cost, and standard total cost for jobs and co-product jobs.
  • Dispatch List Report : Use this report to display demand assignments for a molding resource in the appropriate sequence.
  • Employee Variance Report: Use this report to display the standard cost and variance for each selected employee.
  • Estimate Job Cost Detail Report: This report lists the estimate jobs and their estimated costs.
  • Estimate Job Indented BOM Report: This report provides a material list or bill of material for estimate jobs.
  • Estimate Job Routing Report: This report lists the routing and associated material and text records for an estimate job.
  • Floor Stock Replenishment Report: This report lists quantities needed to fill existing work center floor stock locations to cover the production requirements you specify. The report also lists requirements for consolidated materials for the jobs and production schedules you specify.
  • Indented Projected Job Cost to Complete Report: This report displays level-zero jobs and their sub-jobs (indented) if the total job cost falls outside the specified variance.
  • Job BOM Report: This report provides an indented material list, or bill of material, for a particular job.
  • Job Cost by Item Report: This report lists the jobs on file by item number.
  • Job Cost Detail Breakout: This report lists jobs and their material, labor, fixed overhead, variable overhead, and outside services costs.
  • Job Cost Detail Status Report: This report lists jobs and their planned and actual costs through the last posted transaction.
  • Job Cost Variance Report: This report prints the cost breakdown of the selected jobs.
  • Job Exception Report: This report displays jobs and co-product jobs with costs outside a specified tolerance level. The summary display shows one line per job that is outside of tolerance. The detail display shows the labor and overhead of each operation and the cost of each material.
  • Job Materials Percentage Validation Report : This report lists materials on a BOM that use the Formula Material Weight % setting and calculates the total for each BOM included in the report criteria. The report is used to validate the sum of the formula material weight percentages.
  • Job Operation Status Report: This report lists jobs currently in the system.
  • Job Packet: The Job Packet provides a complete packet of shop floor documents.
  • Job Transactions Report: This report lists the job transactions currently on file.
  • Labor Analysis by Work Center Report: This report displays the earned and approximate actual labor hours accumulated for a work center since the last time you ran the End of Period Costing activity.
  • Material Analysis by Work Center Report: This report lists the earned and actual material costs that have accumulated for a work center since the last time you ran the End of Period Costing activity.
  • Material Availability Report: This report calculates a rough estimate of how much time is required to manufacture an item, based on current material availability.
  • Past Due Job Operations Report: This report lists all job operations scheduled to be completed but not completed as of a given date. Use this report to identify jobs that are behind schedule.
  • Past Due Jobs Report: This report lists all jobs on file by their due date. Use this report for follow-up work on a particular job, and for identifying past-due jobs that must be expedited.
  • Pending Job Labor Transactions Report: This report lists all pending job labor transactions based on the selection criteria.
  • Pending Material Transactions Report: This report lists all pending material transactions based on the selection criteria.
  • Printing Estimate Worksheet Report : Use this report to view the cost of an estimate line at its current quantity, then compare the cost of the same estimate line at up to four other, hypothetical quantities.
  • Production Cost by Work Center Report: This report displays the total earned and actual amounts by work center for labor, material, variable and fixed overhead, and outside services.
  • Production Exceptions Report: Use this report to display a range of demands that are late within the Days Late threshold you specify.
  • Production Schedule Earned Cost Report: This report displays the accumulated costs from production schedule complete transactions where you have moved items into inventory.
  • Production Schedule Operation Status Report: This report displays the status of all operations for all releases.
  • Production Schedule Report: This report displays a summary of production schedules, sorted by production schedule number.
  • Production Schedule Routing Report: This report displays the routing and bill of material for a production schedule and item combination.
  • Production Schedule Scrapped Report: This report displays the scrap that has been reported from production schedule scrapped transactions.
  • Production Schedule Transaction Report: This report displays all transactions that have taken place within the parameters set on the form.
  • Projected Item Completions by Resource/Resource Group Report - Scheduler: Use this report to generate a list of the total quantity of items scheduled to be completed at a given resource or resource group on a given range of dates.
  • Projected Item Completions Report - Scheduler: Use this report to view the total quantity of an item the Scheduling activity has projected to be completed within the range of dates you specify.
  • Projected Job Cost To Complete Report: This report displays all incomplete jobs.
  • Resource Dispatch List Report: Use this report to display the demand assignments for a resource (or for all resources in a group) in the sequence in which they should be performed on the shop floor.
  • Resource Final Queue Report: Use this report to display a detailed listing of the loads waiting for a particular resource at the time the Scheduling activity ended.
  • Resource Group Dispatch List Report: Use this report to display the demand assignments for a resource (or for all resources in a group) in the sequence in which they should be performed on the shop floor.
  • Resource Group Final Queue Report: Use this report to display a detailed listing of the loads waiting for each resource in a particular resource group at the time the Scheduling activity ended.
  • Resource Group Summary Report: Use this report form to list the totals of all resources that were scheduled from the selected resource groups during the last run of the Scheduler.
  • Resource Maintenance Schedule Report : Use this form to generate a report detailing the maintenance requirements of your resources.
  • Resource Overall Equipment Effectiveness Report : Use this form to generate a report detailing equipment effectiveness for the selected resource type.
  • Resource Summary Report: Use this report form to print the totals for each resource that was scheduled in the last run of the Scheduler.
  • Scrap Analysis Report: This report lists items reported as scrapped through posted job transactions for a range of items, product codes, and job dates.
  • Time and Attendance Log Transactions Report: This report displays specified time and attendance log transactions from the Time and Attendance Log file.
  • Total WIP Value by Account Report: This report provides financial analysis of work-in-process (WIP) inventory sorted by account number.
  • WIP Valuation Report: This report provides a financial analysis of work-in-process (WIP) inventory.
  • Work Center Transactions Report: This report tracks labor and machine hour transactions that have been reported against each work center.
  • Work Center Where Used Report: This report lists all job operations currently scheduled through a particular work center.


  • Cost To Complete Log Report: Use this report form to view a history of project costs organized by task and by cost code within task
  • Indented WBS Cost Report: This report displays the actual cost, forecast cost, and percent complete of all levels of a work breakdown structure.
  • Invoice Milestone Progress Report: This report summarizes the status of specified invoice milestones organized by project.
  • Nominated Invoice Milestones Report: This report displays all nominated invoice milestones for a project or range of projects through an accounting period.
  • Nominated Revenue Milestones Report: This report displays all nominated revenue milestones for a project or range of projects through an accounting period.
  • Print Project Advance Ship Notice: Use this report form to print advance ship notices created in the Project Advance Ship Notice form.
  • Project Change Order Detail Report: Use this form to generate a report to review changed projects. This report is only for project types that use project tracking.
  • Project Margin Analysis Report: This report compares actual costs and revenues with projected costs and revenues for one or more projects.
  • Project Purchase Order Commitments Report: This report shows all outstanding purchase order commitments for a selected range of projects, tasks and jobs, organized by project and task
  • Project Transactions Report: This report shows transaction records for a range of projects and tasks.
  • Project Variances Report: This report displays posted cost transactions for a range of projects and project tasks, comparing actual and budgeted costs.
  • Project WIP Valuation Report: This report shows information about the work-in-process values of projects grouped by product code.
  • Project WIP Value by Account Report: This report shows information about the work-in-process amounts in General Ledger accounts for projects.
  • Reprint Project Invoices: Use this report form to reprint project invoices for a range of invoice numbers, invoice dates, projects, and customers.
  • Reprint Project Packing Slip: Use this report form to reprint a specific packing slip that's associated with a project resource shipment.
  • Revenue Milestone Progress Report: This report summarizes the status of specified revenue milestones,organized by project.
  • Unposted Project Labor Transactions Report: This report shows transactions that were entered through the Project Labor Transactions form.
  • WBS Percent Complete Report: This report displays the actual cost, forecast cost, and percent complete of each component of a work breakdown structure or a range of work breakdown structures.


  • Amortization Transaction by Account Report: Use this report to preview or print existing records for the period and year specified. Filter by customer, reference number, invoice number, and account number.
  • Expense Reconciliation Report: Use this form to preview or print a list of expenses based on the selected filters.
  • Incident Report: Use this report to preview or print incident information based on the options and filter ranges you select.
  • Incident Time Analysis Report: Use this report to preview or print a breakdown of the time that was spent to resolve incidents.
  • Indented Unit Configuration Report: Use this form to generate a report that shows a unit configuration and all of the warranty information for the subcomponents of the unit.
  • Item Rental History Report: Use this utility to generate a report listing contract lines for the selected range of units or item numbers.
  • Item Where Used Report: Use this report to see where a particular item or serial number is used in the service configurations.
  • Miscellaneous Expense Report: Use this report to preview or print a list of partner expenses based on the filters and options selected.
  • Outstanding Amortization by Account Report: Use this report to preview or print existing records based on the selected options. Filter by customer, reference number, invoice number, and account number.
  • Partner Reimbursement Report: Use this report to preview or print a list of partner reimbursements based on the selected filters and options.
  • Partner Schedule Report: Use this utility to preview or print a partner schedule based on the filters and options selected.
  • Service Contract Renewal Listing Report: Use this form to preview or print all contracts due for renewal for the Period and Year specified. Filter by Contract, Customer, and Item.
  • Service Contract Invoicing: Use this form to process or reprint service contracts based on the filters and options you select.
  • Service Contract Profit Analysis Report: Use this form to preview or print a report of the projected revenue from service contracts. Filter by contract, customer, and invoice date.
  • Service Contract Rental Agreement: Use this form to produce the contract rental agreement for the selected customer and contract range.
  • Service Contract To Be Invoiced Report: Use this utility to preview or print all of the service contracts that are eligible to be invoiced.
  • Service Order Automatic Generation Utility: Use this utility to process the units from the selected range and determine if any planned maintenance needs to be performed.
  • Service Order Estimate Report: Use this report form to preview or print SRO estimate information based on the filters and options selected.
  • Service Order Exchanges To Be Shipped Report: Use this form to generate a list of the SRO loaners that are set to be shipped.
  • Service Order Inspection Report: Use this form to generate output for one or more inspections.
  • Service Order Invoicing: Use this form to print and post an invoice for the material, labor, and miscellaneous items that have been posted to a service request order.
  • Service Order Loaners To Be Shipped Report: Use this form to generate a list of the SRO loaners that are set to be shipped.
  • Service Order Margin Report: Use this form to preview or print a listing based on the filters and options selected.
  • Service Order On Hold Report: Use this form to preview or print a listing of SROs with a current status of 'Hold' based on the range of filter options selected.
  • Service Order Operation Code Cost Report: Use this form to preview or print a list of the costs for SRO operation codes.
  • Service Order Outstanding Exchanges Report: Use this form to generate a list of the SRO loaners that are set to be shipped.
  • Service Order Packing Slip: Use this form to preview or print packing slips for items to be shipped for Service Request Orders.
  • Service Order Picklist Report: Use this form to preview or print pick lists for SROs.
  • Service Order Planned Material Requirement Report: Use this form to preview or print an output listing based on the options and filters selected.
  • Service Order Planned vs. Actual Report: Use this report to compare the actual extended prices/costs of all SRO transactions.
  • Service Order Shipment Listing: Use this form to preview the shipment list for items to be shipped for SROs.
  • Service Order Status Report: Use this form to preview or print a list of SRO statuses and/or bill statuses based on the filters selected.
  • Service Order To Be Invoiced Report: On this report, you can preview or print a listing of all the SROs that are eligible to be invoiced.
  • Service Order Transaction Posting: Use this form to post SRO transactions in batches, and to place them on the background queue.
  • Service Order WIP Valuation Report: Use this form to preview or print a list of the amount of WIP that has been issued, relieved, and remains for the defined range of SRO operations.
  • Service Order Work Order Report: Use this form to preview or print a list of transaction information for a range of SROs.
  • Service Reason/Resolution Search: Use this form to look for specific incidents or SROs.
  • Unified Transaction Report: Use this form to preview or print a list of partner transaction activity.
  • Warranty Expiration Report: Use this form to preview or print a list of expired warranties based on the date range and item filters selected.


  • Database Schema Report: This report lists a specified range of the database schema.
  • Quick Dictionary Report: This report shows the definitions of each class and all the user fields that belong to the class, along with their field names, data types, and descriptions.
  • System Diagnostic Report: The purpose of this form is to create a system diagnostic report so you can attach it to an incident for Technical Support.
  • User Authorization Report: Use this report to list, for each user ID: user login status, whether the user is a Super User, editing permissions (site developer, user, etc.), authorization groups to which the user belongs, license modules to which the user belongs, user authorizations for forms, form components, and IDOs, with the allowed explicit account rights (Delete, Edit, Execute, etc.), row authorizations and filters for IDOs that apply to the user, group authorizations for forms, form components, and IDOs, with the account rights that the user inherits from the group, and specific forms and IDOs included in the license modules to which the user belongs.
  • User Class Report: This report shows the definitions of the classes within the range of classes you select.
  • User Fields Report: This report shows the definitions of the user fields, with their graphical properties, that are associated with the classes within the range you select.
  • User Index Report: This report shows the definitions of the indexes associated with the classes within the range you select.

Thailand Localization

  • Currency Revaluation Report: Use this form to view the A/P and A/R Currency Revaluation Report for internal and external audit.
  • Input VAT Report: Use this form to print a report that shows the invoice summary, tax detail, and company information.
  • THAI A/P Posted Payment Transaction Report : Use this form to reprint posted petty cash transaction reports.
  • Withholding Tax Certificate Report: Use this form to print withheld tax information, vendor information, and invoice details for unposted payments.
  • Withholding Tax Details Report: Use this form to print the Withholding Tax Details Report, which includes withheld tax information, vendor information, and invoice details for unposted payments.


  • Builder Purchase Order Report: Use this form to print purchase orders that were created with the Purchase Order Builder form.
  • Change Order Detail Report: The Change Order Detail Report lists all specified PO change orders for a given range of vendors.
  • Change Order Report: Use the Change Order Report to create change orders.
  • Goods Receiving Note Report: Use the Goods Receiving Note Report form to print a report which shows GRN status and line information.
  • Inbound PO Acknowledgment Report: Use this report to list the inbound electronic purchase orders that have been received and acknowledged.
  • Inbound Vendor Invoice Report: Use this report to print a detailed list of the EDI vendor invoices you have received.
  • Inbound Vendor Ship Notice Report: Use this report to print a detailed list of the EDI vendor shipments of which you have been notified electronically.
  • Inventory Consigned From Vendor Usage Report: Use this form to produce a report detailing inventory activity and recommended replenishment quantities for a given vendor and consignment warehouse.
  • Landed Cost Variance Report: This report shows landed cost variances by PO and PO line - that is, in summary total and with breakdown by line.
  • Letters Of Credit By Vendor Report: This report allows you to print out all outstanding letters of credit for one vendor or a group of vendors.
  • Mailing Labels: This report prints mailing labels for a range of customers, employees or vendors.
  • Outbound Planning Schedule Report: Use this report to review and verify outgoing planning schedules before sending them electronically.
  • Outbound Purchase Order Report: Use this report to review and verify outgoing EDI purchase orders before sending them electronically.
  • Outbound Shipping Schedule Report: Use this report to print a detailed list of the shipping schedules you have sent to a vendor.
  • Past Due Purchase Order Report: This report prints each past due purchase order, followed by its line/releases that have caused the past due status, for the range indicated.
  • PO Funds Committed Report: This report shows the cost of all purchase orders for a selected range of orders and lines, vendors, order dates, vendor orders, items, vendor items, line/release due dates, last received dates, and currency codes.
  • PO Requisition Report: This report lists detailed information about purchase order requisitions.
  • PO Voucher Register By Account: This report lists vouchers, posted from Purchasing, that are currently in the system.
  • Purchase Order History By Vendor Report: This report lists purchase orders in PO History by vendor number for the selected range of vendors, purchase orders, order dates, vendor orders, items numbers, vendor item numbers, due dates, last received dates, and warehouses.
  • Purchase Order: This report prints all purchase orders in the specified range.
  • Purchase Order Status Report:This report prints the purchase order status and the associated line/releases for each purchase order in a specified range.  
  • Purchase Order Variance By Item Report: This report prints each item that is contained in one or more purchase orders.
  • Purchase Requirements Report: This report displays every item from Items for which an order should be placed to prevent the on hand quantity from going below safety stock.
  • Purchase Requisition: This report produces a hard copy of requisitions. You can print them for a range of requisitions, lines, due dates, and vendors.
  • Recent Purchases Report: This report provides historical information to support purchasing decisions.
  • Reprint Vendor Packing Slip Report: Use this form to view the output for previously generated vendor packing slips.
  • Requisition/PO Comparison Report: This report shows which requisitions are cross referenced to purchase orders.
  • Vendor ASN Reconciliation Report: Use this report to verify shipping information from the vendor.
  • Vendor Interactions Report: This report prints a report of all communications between the vendor and the company.
  • Vendor Packing Slip: Use this form to print packing slips or pre-ship packing slips for a specified range of purchase orders or RMAs.
  • Vendor To Be Shipped Report: Use this form to produce a list of all return material authorizations and purchase order line items that are ready to be shipped, based on the options you select.
  • Vouchers Payable Report: Use this report to show purchase orders that have been received but not yet vouchered, including to-be-vouchered POs and POs with cost variances.