About Records not Converted by Domestic Euro Currency Conversion

The Domestic Euro Currency Conversion utility will not convert some records if they are unprocessed.

You must process and post these records before you run the conversion utility (otherwise they may stop the conversion process):

  • Data collection transactions. You must post all data collection transactions; the data collection tables must be empty for the conversion utility to run.
  • EDI records. Process all inbound and outbound EDI transactions completely prior to conversion.
  • A/P Payments and A/P Vouchers and Adjustments
  • A/R Finance Charges
  • A/R Payments and A/R invoices, credit memos, and debit memos

The conversion utility does not convert the following records:

  • Notes/text records containing monetary amounts. For example, if a note on a transaction contains a monetary amount, that amount is not converted.
  • User-defined fields containing monetary amounts.
  • Bill of lading information.
  • Audit trail information.
  • Bank code reconciliation history. You must create a new bank code to support the Euro currency.
  • Business Intelligence information.
  • Minimum Charge field on the Accounts Receivable Parameters form. You must change this value manually.
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