Submitting a VAT Return to HMRC (MTD)

After you retrieve the VAT obligation for a date range, view the VAT Return calculations for the obligation, and amend them as necessary, you can electronically send the VAT Return to HRMC through CloudSuite Industrial.

  1. On the MTD Obligations and Returns form, verify that all of the final amounts are correct.
    See Viewing and amending VAT obligation calculations (MTD).

    If a different site is used to consolidate MTD information from the current site, this form is disabled at the current site. See Setting up MTD when multiple sites have the same VAT ID (VRN)

  2. Select Final and Complete.
    A confirmation warning is displayed. Click Yes. The Submit Returns button is enabled.
  3. Click Submit Returns to electronically post the calculated taxes for the specified period to HMRC.
    You will receive a confirmation message, and the Submitted check box is selected.
    Note: If the Net Adjustment Value is greater than the allowed threshold, an error message is displayed and the VAT submission is discontinued. Contact HMRC for assistance.
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