Setting the background color to a linear gradient

Each form and valid form component can have its own background color settings. These settings can come from background color definition variables or you can set them directly in the [Form] or [Component] property sheet in Design Mode.

注: Be aware that whatever color definition you set in the property sheets applies only to the specified form or component. If you want to reuse color definitions for a consistent look-and-feel, you should define and use background color definition variables in the [Edit Color] dialog box.

To set the background color of a form or component to a single, solid color with no transparency:

  1. With a form open and in Design Mode, select the appropriate property sheet for the form or component.
  2. Locate the [Ext. Color Type] attribute field (below the [Background Color] property) and select the [Gradient] option.
  3. Use the color picker or type a set of numbers to specify an RGB value for the [Ext. Color 0] and [Ext. Color 1] attributes.
  4. (Optional) For the [Ext. Color Alpha 0] and [Ext. Color Alpha 1] attributes, specify values for transparency between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (fully opaque).
  5. (Optional) In the [Ext. Color - Gradient Direction] attribute field, specify the direction for the gradient to use.  

Notice that the [Background Color] property field displays:

  • [V(bgc_Form)] for a form background
  • [V(bgc_componentName)] for a component background, where componentName is the name of the component as displayed in the [Name] field.