Background Color property

The Background Color property field, which is display-only, indicates the background color on which the data for a form or a component displays. The "color" can be either of these:

  • A single, solid color, with or without transparency
  • A pair of colors used for a linear gradient, with each color having its own color and transparency settings

This field displays the current value of the Background Color property:

If the field display is: It means that:
Blank No background color has been set.
An RGB value (such as [12, 127, 242]) A single, solid color has been set using the [Color] attribute.
V( bgc_Form) The background color was set for the form using the [Background Color] attribute settings on the [Form] properties sheet.
V( bgc_ componentName ) The background color was set for a component, using the [Background Color] attribute settings on the [Component] properties sheet.
V( gbgc_ colorDefName ) The background color was set using a global background color definition variable created in the [Edit Color] dialog box. In this case, colorDefName is the name assigned to the color definition variable in the [Enter a Name for the Background Color] dialog box when the definition is created or updated.

To see the effects of changing the background color, you might need to 「regenerate the form」.
