Making splitter bar settings

Splitter bar settings are made at the form level, using the [Form] property sheet in Design Mode. These become the default settings for that form.

注:  Only users with Full User, Site Developer, or Vendor Developer editing permissions can make default settings for splitter bars, and then only for their authorized editing scope.

To make default splitter bar settings for a form:

  1. With the form open in Design Mode, select the [Form] property sheet.
  2. Expand the Layout group of properties and make these settings, as desired:
    1. In the [Splitter] field, specify whether the splitter bar is to be oriented vertically or horizontally.

      You can also use this property to specify that there is to be no splitter at all ([None]).

    2. In the [Splitter Position] field, specify in character units the position for the splitter bar.

      You can also set the splitter bar position by click-dragging it to the desired position.

    3. In the [Pane 0/1 Scroll Bars] fields, specify whether scroll bars should be displayed when needed.
  3. Save your settings.

You must exit Design Mode and then close and reopen the form to see your changes.
