Displaying images as form wallpaper

To display an image as wallpaper for a form:

  1. With the form open and in Design Mode, select the Form property sheet.
  2. For the [Image] attribute of the [Background Image] property, specify an image file.

    You can use the ellipsis (...) button to browse to and select the file.

  3. Optionally, to center the image, set the [Center] property to [True].

    By default, the image is scaled to fill the form.

  4. Optionally, omit the image from one pane in a multi-pane form:
    • To omit the image from the left or top pane, set [Disable on Pane 0] to [True].
    • To omit the image from the right or bottom pane, set [Disable on Pane 1] to [True].