Applies to

Parameters of validators of the type In Inline List


SETPROPFROMINLINE( property1=column1 [, property2=column2, . . .] )


  • property# is the name of a valid IDO property for which the value is to be set.
  • column# is the index for the inline list column from which the value is to be taken.


On an insert or update operation, if the property value is modified, then validate the value using the inline list values and the column specified by the inline list's VALUE(n) parameter, optionally setting additional properties from the inline list values.

注:  For In Inline List properties being validated from an IDO property or property class, any string IDs in the inline list are not resolved in the IDO Runtime Service; therefore, if this keyword is used to set properties, the raw string ID will be used.

If the validation succeeds, any properties included in this keyword are set from the entry for the corresponding inline list column.
