Component labels, naming conventions

Labels on components typically consist of Static components with designated captions. The captions themselves usually consist of translatable strings stored as string objects in WinStudio's Strings table. We recommend that you use translatable strings wherever possible, so that they can change automatically when the user interface language changes.

Translatable strings used for component labels typically begin with a lower-case 's'. This convention indicates to WinStudio to look for the corresponding string in the Strings table.

注:  We recommend that you use names containing only alphanumeric characters, the underscore (_) character, and ellipses (...). Alphanumeric characters include the letters a-z, either upper case or lower case, and the numerals 0-9.

However, if you find a string in the Strings table that begins with a lower-case 'p' or 'o' that you think might be useful, you can use it. Normally, there will not be 'p' strings (used for properties) or 'o' strings (used for other global objects). These strings are created only when there is a validator message that requires property or object name substitution and the label string is not sufficiently specific.
