About the WinStudio Application Object (WinStudio Scripts)

The WinStudio application object is the primary entry point for the WinStudio application. It references forms and global variables. It also provides some global functions such as diagnostic logging.

Referencing the WinStudio application object

In your scripts, use the identifier [Application] to reference the WinStudio application object. When you assign the [Application] object to a variable, use the type [IWSApplication].

Opening a Form

The following example opens a form called MyForm and assigns the form object to the variable oMyForm.

   '  Run MyForm and assign object to oMyForm
   Dim oMyForm As IWSApplication
   Set oMyForm = Application.RunForm("MyForm")

Writing to the diagnostics log

The DiagnosticsLog method of the WinStudio application object can be used to write information into the WinStudio diagnostics log.

   '  Make an entry in the diagnostics log
   Application.DiagnosticsLog( "Diagnostic log entry" )

Methods and properties

See 「WinStudio application object」.
