Cutting/Pasting a component

You can use the clipboard to cut and paste components on the same form or between forms. A component is removed from the original location and pasted into the same relative position that it occupied in the original container or form.

To cut and paste a component:

  1. Open a form and go into Design Mode.
  2. If you are pasting into another form, open the destination form and go into Design Mode.
  3. On the first form, select one or more components to copy.
  4. From the [Edit] menu, select [Cut].
  5. On the destination form, select [Paste] on the [Edit] menu.
  6. If the destination form has containers, you are prompted to identify which container is the destination for the pasted component.
    • To identify a destination container, click the name of the container in the list, and then click [Override].
    • To paste the component without a designated container, click [None].
    • To paste the component and leave any designated container as is, click [Leave As Is].
  7. If necessary, reposition the pasted components.