Adding a Tree component

  1. Open a form and go into Design Mode.
  2. In the Toolbox, select the [Tree] component, and then draw the component on the form.
  3. Optionally, specify a text label for the root level of the tree using the [Caption] property in the [Component] property sheet.
  4. Optionally, to specify an icon other than the default folder icon for the root level, set the [Bitmap File Name] property in the [Component] property sheet.
  5. In the [Component] property sheet, expand the [Data Source] section, select [Binding], and then click the ellipsis ([...]) button.
  6. In the [Type] field of the [Edit Component Data Binding] dialog box, select [Tree].
  7. Click [Edit].
  8. In the [Tree Control Data Binding] dialog box, at a minimum, specify values for these fields:
    • [Top-Level IDO]
    • [Properties]
    • [Props] (Properties)
    • [Filter]
    • [Order By]

    Other fields are optional.

  9. Optionally, create sublevels, using the [New] button in the [Specified Levels] group box and the associated [Tree Binding for Sublevel] dialog box.
  10. Save the form definition.