Get Location From Browser response type

The [Get Location From Browser] response type requests the location information from the browser and then triggers the StdWebLocationInfoReceived event. Once the location is received from the browser, or an error occurs, the StdWebLocationInfoReceived event is triggered. This is done asynchronously.

This response type is used with the web client only.

This response type has two optional parameters:

  • [Timeout Value]: Number of seconds allowed for the browser to return a location.  After the number of seconds passes with no response, the StdWebLocationInfoReceived event is triggered and the form variable StdLocationError is set to TIMEOUT. If there is a browser prompt to the user to allow the location and there is no answer to that prompt,  StdLocationError is set to NOREPLY.  The default value is inifinity, meaning no timeout occurs.
  • [Maximum Age]: If a location is requested and a previous location was requested within the time set in this parameter, no new request is sent  to the browser.  StdWebLocationInfoReceived is triggered  with the existing values. The default is zero, meaning every request is sent to the browser.