Creating a form by extending an existing form

To create a new form by extending an existing form:

  1. In Design Mode, launch the [New Form Wizard]
  2. In the first page of the wizard, select the [Extend an existing form] option, and then click [Next] .
  3. In the next page, specify:
    • The name to assign to the new form
    • The form on which the new form is to be based ([Base Form] )
    • Optionally, a description of the new form

      WinStudio automatically provides a base description that you can change.

  4. Click [Next] .
  5. Click [Finish] .
    注:  Unlike other form creation options, this type of form does not allow you to save a template.

WinStudio then creates a copy of the base form, gives it the new name, and opens it in Design Mode.
