Creating a custom toolbar option

  1. With the form open in Design Mode, add a component of type [Toolbar Button] to the form.
  2. In the [Component Properties] grid, set the component properties as desired.

    At the least, you should set the [Name] , [Caption] , and [Bitmap File Name] properties. Your graphics file should be 15x15 pixels, in .JPG or .PNG format.

  3. Save the form definition.

Now, when you set the [DisplayMobileToolbar] form variable to [True], your custom toolbar button appears just to the right of any standard operation buttons you have chosen to display on the toolbar.

注: When you create a custom toolbar button, the system is set to automatically display the button whenever the [DisplayMobileToolbar] form variable is set to [True]. Unlike the standard operations, there is no need to set a [Standard Operations] property to [True].