Using the Object Viewer

The [Object Viewer] allows you to select an object in a graphical tree and open its properties for editing. The tree represents forms that are open in Design Mode and all global objects in an application.

By default, Object Viewer is docked to the left side of the WinStudio window. When you select an object, its properties are displayed in the Form, Component, or Object property sheet or in the script editor. Property sheets are docked to the right side of the window by default.

You can open objects for editing by clicking the object's name in the tree. This activates the [Form], [Component], or [Object] property sheet for the selected object and, if applicable, selects the object in the workspace pane. Use these property sheets to edit the attributes of the object.

The Forms node is the top-level node representing forms open in Design Mode. Expand this node to access individual forms. Under a form name are collections, components, event handlers, and variables related to the form. Expand the nodes to access objects in a form. You can similarly access global objects.

You can also use the [Find] and [Filter] options to locate objects by name.
