Matching Bankbook Records with the Bank Reconciliation Statement (Automatic or Manual)

One bank book record can match multiple records on the bank reconciliation statement, and vice versa. A match exists when the total amount of records on both sides are equal.

To automatically match bank book records with the bank reconciliation statement, use the [Automatically Matching] form. Click [Match] to match the records.

To manually match the records:

  1. Open the [Manual Matching] form.
  2. Specify a bank code and a currency.
  3. Specify a General Ledger account and optionally unit codes.
  4. In the Bank Book grid, the unmatched bank book records are displayed, including the date, voucher number, reference, and amount. Select one or more bank book records to match. As you select records, the values in the [Record Numbers], [Selected Numbers], and [Amount Totals] fields are updated.
  5. In the Bank Reconciliation Statement grid, the unmatched statement records are displayed, including the date and amount. Select one or more bank reconciliation statement records to match. As you select records, the values in the [Record Numbers], [Selected Numbers], and [Amount Totals] fields are updated.
  6. When the total amounts for the selected records in both grids are the same, click [Match] to set the matching flag. Continue until all records are matched.