IWSFormComponent interface (WinStudio scripts)
This topic lists the methods and properties of the IWSFormComponent interface. A component is any field, grid, radio button, or other type of field or control used on a form in WinStudio.
- DefaultData
- DeleteGridRows
- DeleteListBoxString
- DisplayMessage
- ForceRepaint
- GetGridCurrentCol
- GetGridCurrentRow
- GetGridRowCount
- GetGridValue
- GetGridValueByColumnName
- GetListBoxCount
- GetListBoxCurSel
- GetListBoxText
- GetListValue
- GetModifiedSinceLoadOrValidation
- GetNullableValue
- GetValidatorsHaveRunSinceLoadFromSource
- GetValue
- GetValueOfBoolean
- GetValueOfByte
- GetValueOfChar
- GetValueOfDateTime
- GetValueOfDecimal
- GetValueOfDouble
- GetValueOfGuid
- GetValueOfInt16
- GetValueOfInt32
- GetValueOfInt64
- GetValueOfInteger
- GetValueOfLong
- GetValueOfSByte
- GetValueOfShort
- GetValueOfSingle
- GetValueOfString
- GetValueOfUInt16
- GetValueOfUInt32
- GetValueOfUInt64
- GraphDraw
- GraphEnableRuntimeButtons
- GraphEnableRuntimeProperties
- GraphGetCollectionIndexFrom
- GraphGetCollectionIndexTo
- GraphGetGraphType
- GraphGetSupportedGraphTypes
- GraphLockGraphObjects
- GraphNext
- GraphPrevious
- GraphSetCollectionToGraph
- GraphSetDataSeriesColors
- GraphSetGraphType
- GraphSetMainTitleFontDescriptor
- GraphSetMainTitleText
- GraphSetOtherTitleFontDescriptor
- GraphSetPropertiesToGraph
- GraphSetXAxisLabelProperty
- GraphSetXAxisTitleText
- GraphSetXLimit
- GraphSetYAxisTitleText
- InsertGridRows
- InsertListBoxString
- InvalidateList
- IsListBoxEntrySelected
- ListSourceScriptAddEntries
- ListSourceScriptAddListItem
- LockGridUpdate
- RepaintWindow
- ResetListBoxContent
- Resize
- SaveGraph
- SetGridCurrentCell
- SetGridRowColColor
- SetGridRowColColorByColumnName
- SetGridRowColFont
- SetGridRowColFontByColumnName
- SetGridRowColImage
- SetGridRowColImageByColumnName
- SetGridTopRow
- SetGridValue
- SetGridValueByColumnName
- SetListBoxCurSel
- SetListBoxEntrySelected
- SetModifiedSinceLoadOrValidation
- SetValidatorsHaveRunSinceLoadFromSource
- SetValue
- TreeCollapsedNodeToXml
- TreeCollapseNodeAt
- TreeCollapseRootNode
- TreeCollapseSelectedNodes
- TreeCollapsingNodeToXml
- TreeExpandedNodeToXml
- TreeExpandingNodeToXml
- TreeExpandNodeAt
- TreeExpandRootNode
- TreeExpandSelectedNodes
- TreeGetChildNodeCountAt
- TreeGetChildNodeCountAtRoot
- TreeGetCurItemLevelProperty
- TreeGetCurItemProperty
- TreeGetCurLevel
- TreeGetItemPropertyAt
- TreeGetRecursiveCount
- TreeGetRecursiveMax
- TreeHasCompletedCollapsing
- TreeHasCompletedExpanding
- TreeHasExpandedAt
- TreeIsCollapsing
- TreeIsCurrentlyExpandedAt
- TreeIsExpanding
- TreeNodeToXmlAt
- TreeRefresh
- TreeRootNodeHasExpanded
- TreeRootNodeIsCurrentlyExpanded
- TreeSelectedNodesToXml
- TreeSetCacheRecordCap
- TreeSetExpandNodeCountCap
- TreeSetNodeFontAt
- TreeSetNodeFontAtTreeLevel
- TreeSetNodeForeColorAt
- TreeSetNodeForeColorAtTreeLevel
- TreeSetNodeImageAt
- TreeSetNodeImageAtTreeLevel
- TreeSetNodeSelectedImageAt
- TreeSetNodeSelectedImageAtTreeLevel
- TreeSetRecursiveMax
- UnlockGridUpdate
- ValidateData
- BackgroundColor
- BitmapFileName
- BlobFormat
- Caption
- CurrentlyEnabled
- CurrentlyVisible
- DataLength
- DataType
- DecimalSymbol
- Default
- DigitsAfterDecimal
- DisplayedValue
- Enabled
- ForegroundColor
- Height
- IDOCollection
- InputMask
- InputMaskPrompt
- IsNull
- Justify
- Label
- Left
- List
- ListIndex
- Name
- NotebookCurTab
- NumListCols
- NumListRows
- Required
- TabOrder
- Text
- TextInternal
- Top
- TruncateDecimal
- Type
- Value
- ValueInternal
- Visible
- Width
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