Retrieving and paying VAT liabilities (MTD)

You can electronically retrieve your VAT liability amounts from HRMC through CloudSuite Business. This information tells what you have already paid and how much you still owe. The liabilities are directly related to your VAT obligations.

After you make payments, you can also electronically retrieve information about your payments.

  1. On the MTD Obligations and Returns form, use the header fields to filter for a certain obligation.
    If a different site is used to consolidate MTD information from the current site, this form is disabled at the current site. See Setting up MTD when multiple sites have the same VAT ID (VRN).
  2. Click Get Liability.
    The returned information from HMRC about your liability for this obligation is displayed and cannot be edited:
    • Type of VAT being accounted for.
    • Original amount of the VAT obligation that the company will pay.
    • Outstanding (remaining) amount that has not been paid yet for the obligation.
    • Due Date by which the obligation should be paid.
  3. Go to the Payments tab to see all payment amounts that HMRC has already received from you for the obligation, and the dates when payment was received.
  4. Click Get Payments to update this information with any recent payment information from HMRC.
  5. Click Pay Liability to open a browser linked to HMRC's payment facility, where you can make payments in the manner you have agreed upon.
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