Entering Production Schedule Items

Production schedule items are the finished-goods inventory items that the production schedule produces.

  1. Open the Production Schedule Items form.
  2. From the list, select the production schedule to which to add items.
  3. Select Actions > New to add an item to this production schedule.
    Note:  An inventory item's cost type must be standard. A production schedule may contain multiple items. You cannot add items to a production schedule that has a status of Complete.
  4. Enter the appropriate data in the required fields:
    • Item: Enter or select a valid item number of a standard-costed inventory item.
    • For Whse: Enter the warehouse code for the finished goods inventory. The default value is the Default Warehouse field (listed on the Inventory Parameters form).

    Optional fields include:

    • Revision: If the finished good item is affected by an Engineering Change Notice, enter the appropriate revision information. Use this information to report and track inventory that has specific production requirements.
      Note:  When you copy the current routing/BOM to a PS release, the current routing/BOM for this revision will be used.
  5. Save the new production schedule item.

Now you can add additional items to the production schedule or create production schedule releases against the new item.

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