Adding a Blanket Purchase Order Header

  1. On the Purchase Orders form, select Actions > New to add a purchase order header.
  2. Specify this information::
    • PO: Enter the purchase order number or accept the default provided when you save the record.
    • Vendor PO: Enter the order number used internally by the vendor. This field is used when referring to the purchase transaction in conversations or correspondence with the vendor.
    • Date: Enter a date or accept the default of today's date.
    • PO Type: Select Blanket.
    • Vendor: Enter a vendor number. (The number of the vendor's last invoice will appear in the Last Invoice field.)
    • Terms: Enter the billing terms for the vendor. You can accept the default from the Vendors form, or use the browser to find billing terms.
    • Warehouse: Enter a warehouse for the PO. This field identifies the warehouse where the purchased goods should be delivered. Changing this field will also change the drop ship to address if the Drop Ship To field is set to Warehouse.
  3. In the Address tab, specify this information, or accept the defaults:
    • Drop Ship To: Accept the default drop ship to code of None or select from these options:
      • None: Indicates that no drop ship to address is to be used.
      • Customer: Indicates the purchased goods should be shipped to one of the addresses of a specific customer.
      • Drop Ship To: Indicates the purchased goods should be delivered to an address from the Drop Ship To file.
      • Warehouse: Indicates the purchased goods should be delivered to a warehouse listed on the purchase order.
  4. In the General tab, specify this information, or accept the defaults:
    • Effective Date: Use this field to enter the date on which the blanket PO becomes effective.
    • Expiration Date: Enter the date on which this blanket PO ceases to be effective.
  5. In the Tax Info tab, specify this information, or accept the defaults:
    Note:  These fields are active only if the Active for Purchasing field has been selected on the Tax Systems form.
    • Freight Tax: Use the browser to select a freight tax code.
    • Misc. Charges Tax: Use the browser to select a miscellaneous charges tax code.
    Note:  These tax fields should be blank or exempt for area-based tax systems, and should have a rate tax code for item-based tax systems.
  6. Save the purchase order header.
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