The existing message number SL_100001 has the text "The &1
entered is not valid." You can reuse this message number and text
to construct a custom constraint error message.
Specify an Object Name for a SQL constraint, using
the rules specified in the field description.
Select an existing Message Text, and the Message Number
is displayed. For example, if you select the Message
Text "The &1 entered is not valid." the Message Number SL_100001 is displayed.
Specify a Message Description that
describes how and when this instance of the message is used. For example,
"This message is displayed when <state> is updated on an
Applicant Reference to a value that does not exist in any state."
Specify the Message Type. For any given Object Name,
you can only have one Message Type with the same value. For example,
select Message Type 17 (Constraint Message).
Specify the Object Type. For example, select 0 (Table
Specify the Message Severity.
Save the record. If the type is 17
(Constraint Message) or 18 (Delete
Constraint), the Build Messages grid
is enabled, where you can specify this information:
- If the Message Text in the main
grid has multiple substitution expressions (&1, &2, etc.),
add a row with a Sequence Number
corresponding to each of the substitution expressions.
- To reference the substitution text to use, either specify a
Message Number from the Maintain
Application Messages form or specify another existing Object Name.
- A Message Number is always required.
Specify MG_1 to indicate that the
value in the Object Name field
is to be used to look up the substitution text. If the Message Number is any value other than
MG_1, then that value is used to
look up the message text on the Maintain
Application Messages form.
- If the Object Name field is
used, select the appropriate value from the drop-down list.
- The Message Text field displays
the text that will be displayed in place of the substitution expression.
Save the record again.
If your company uses source code control, click Generate
Message Script File. In the Generate
Application Messages Script form, specify the appropriate file
path and filter information, and click Generate
SQL Script File.