Running Service Order Invoicing

Use the Service Order Invoicing form to post SRO invoices and create invoice records. Based on the range of filters selected, only these service orders are invoiced:

  • Service orders that are not on hold and allow partial billing.
  • Service orders that do not allow partial billing and all of their operations have a Closed or Invoice status.

Only service order operations that have a status of Invoice and are not on hold are billed.

When an operation is billed, it is closed if the close date is not blank. Then, if all operations for a service order line are closed, the service order line is also closed. The service order is then closes if each service order line has a closed status.

Specify this information to post an invoice and create a record:

  1. For these fields, select a range of values to include in the report:
    • SRO
    • Line
    • Oper
    • Bill Manager
    • Customer
    • Region
  2. Select the types of notes to include in the report:
    • Print Customer Notes
    • Print SRO Notes
    • Print SRO Line Notes
    • Print SRO Oper Notes
    • Print Transaction Notes
    • Print Internal Notes
    • Print External Notes
  3. Specify this information:
    Ship To Address
    Select whether to use the customer ship to or the consumer ship to address for the invoicing output.
    Sort By
    Select whether to sort the output order by SRO or by customer.
    Order By
    Select whether to sort the output order by transaction number, transaction date, or partner and transaction date.
    Invoices or Credit Memos
    Select whether to print invoices or credit memos based on the options selected.
    Invoice Date
    Select the date to use for invoicing the SROs.
  4. Specify the Calculated SRO Options:
    Trans Date
    Select the range of transaction dates to include in the invoice.
    Include Calculated
    Select this check box to include SROs with the billing type of Calculated/Time & Material.
  5. Specify the Project SRO Options:
    Close Date
    Select the range of close dates to include in the invoice.
    Include Project
    Select this check box to include SROs with the billing type of Project/Fixed.
    Print Project Material Detail
    Select this check box to include material details in the invoice.
    Print Project Labor Detail
    Select this check box to include labor details in the invoice.
    Print Project Misc Detail
    Select this check box to include miscellaneous details in the invoice.
  6. Specify these Print Options:
    Print Serials
    Select this check box to include serial numbers for items that are serial tracked.
    Summarize Trans
    Select this check box to include a summary of transactions.
    Use Profile
    Select this check box to use the associated vendor/customer document profile, if one exists.
    Translate To Domestic Currency
    Select this check box to translate the currency output to the domestic form. If cleared, the output is displayed as the currency originally selected.
    Print Euro Total
    Select this check box to print the total for the report in both the euro currency and the transaction currency for any customer or vendor whose currency is the euro.The system calculates this total by converting all the individual line items and accumulating the euro line item amounts. All line item discounts are applied (using the transaction currency) before the system converts the amount to the euro. All order-level discounts are applied from the accumulated euro amount.
  7. Click Process to run the activity.
  8. Specify the Reprint Options:
    Select the range of invoice numbers to include.
    Invoice Date
    Select the range of invoice dates to include.
  9. Click Reprint to print the data without any updates or to reprint the document.
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