Importing VAT Files

Use the Import VAT Files form to update VAT Invoice Numbers and their VAT Adjusted Sales Tax amounts according to feedback from the Golden Tax System.

  1. Before you begin this task, you must specify a (VAT) Import File Logical Folder in the Order Entry Parameters form and then click Files to open a form where you can upload files from a local drive to the logical folder. All the files in the Import File Logical Folder will be imported.
  2.  To see the invoices, debit and credit memos that have a status of pending, select the Preview check box and click Process.
  3. To process all of the invoices, select the Commit check box and click Process. The VAT invoice number and VAT adjusted sales tax are updated for all of these invoices.  A message confirms the number of invoices that were processed. All of the processed files are then moved to the Archive File Logical Folder that is specified in the Order Entry Parameters form.
  4. If you want to view an archive file, click Files, select the VAT archive logical folder, select a file in that folder, and click View. You can also delete or download archived files from the logical folder.
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